Monday, August 13, 2012

The Butler Did It!..Redux

   It was back on May 28th I blogged about the scandal that's still shaking the vatican over the butler who (allegedly) stole some of pope Benny's documents and leaked them. They were related to, among other things, the supposed power struggle between Ben and several cardinals (not the bird) who seem to want old Ben out one way or another. That included supposed plots to bump him off.
   Well, it seem a vatican judge has committed the butler to stand trial. Speedy, actually, when you consider the old women in the holy see usually take so long to do anything it makes an arthritic snail look as fast as a Bugatti Veyron.
   Anyway, the butler isn't the only person involved, either. It seems a computer expert in the Secretariat of State office has also been committed to stand trial for aiding and abetting said butler. Not for grand theft or revealing secrets. That particular mole may still be digging.
   The butler goes on trail in September, which is another speed record for the usually doddering fools in the vatican. About the only thing they seem to move quickly on is moving and covering up for pedophile priests.
   What's Benny say about this? Not much, as usual. Apparently he hasn't come out yet saying he forgives them, which he normally does.
   Ah, well. Just another crack in the wall. Pass me the sledgehammer, will ya?
   'Nuff said

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