Monday, August 6, 2012

Ahh, The Dog Days Of Summer

   Yes, we are in the dog days, and it's been a bitch trying to find much to blog about recently, hence the lack of posts. True to my word, I have yet to watch one second of the Olympics, a record I plan on keeping.
   I have yet to get an updated Trains vs People score to pass along. No "celebrities" of any note have done anything stupid, except the Jacksons, who seem to be in a family feud over Mikes kids. Or, more specifically his money. The old lady "vanished" for a few days, only to turn up safe and sound. I caught a glimpse of her "news conference" when she was surrounded by other members of the family.
   And the looks on their faces told a lot more than what the old lady had to say. You could almost read the "shut the fuck up Mom, and don't say anything" look on their faces. She's also (from what I've heard) no longer the kids guardian either. That job went to Tito's kid. Along with the money. Not that MJ had anything biological to do with the kids anyway. At least in my humble opinion.
   Huh! For not having much to blog about, I've managed to post an entry after all! Will wonders never cease! Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to say later.
   Enjoy the rest of your summer! But for now......
   'Nuff said.

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