Monday, August 20, 2012

Trains 6, People 3

   Yes, we do have an update on our scorecard. And Trains are pulling farther ahead with another win. This one happened his past weekend in Regina, Saskatchewan. AGAIN!!! Cops there say buddy was seen trying to leap onto a freight, slipped and.....well, the rest (along with him) is history.
   It was just last month (see my blog of July 16) there was a similar case there, and there've been 2 near misses where people have been lucky (or drunk) enough to escape with their lives.
   But the question has to be asked. What the fuck is going on there anyway? I mean, is it a civic sport to either try and leap on a moving train or dodge death with a near miss? Is there really that little to do in that town?
   Or are they Saskatchewan Roughrider fans despondent about the string of losses the CFL team has had the past few weeks?
   Only the victims know for sure, and 2 of them ain't talking.
   'Nuff said.

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