Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"No Easy Day"

   It certainly wasn't for this filthy piece of distended rectum. It was May 2nd 2011 SEAL team 6 punched Osama bin Laden's ticket, cancelling him from the human race. Ever since then, there have been conflicting stories about the pig fuckers demise (see my blog of May 2, 2012). Now, a  Navy SEAL who took part in the raid has come out with a book on taking out that piece of trash. In "No Easy Day", former SEAL Matt Bissonnette, writing under the pseudonym Mark Owen, describes the raid on the Pakistani compound. And what he says contradicts everything else told.
   The original version claimed the team entered through the main floor, and was involved in a 15 minute or so gun battle with OBL being killed by 2 shots (chest and head) in his bedroom.
   The second tale suggested the SEALS entered the compound through the roof, and killed OBL while he was diving for an AK-47 assault rifle.
   The latest book, due out next week, says bin Laden got his instantaneously fatal dose of lead poisoning (or a permanent 5.56 mm headache cure) as he looked out of his bedroom door, and was not retreating to his room or diving for a gun. Guess that cancels his martyr status AND the 72 virgins.
   Bissonnette also goes on to say they were to have captured old Osama if he surrendered. And there's about as much chance of that happening as the sun rising in the west and setting in the north.
   And I still wonder if OBL's corpse was tossed into the sea for him to become fish shit, or if the SEALS brought it back to the States with them. Hopefully pickled in alcohol.
   One thing's almost certain. We ain't heard the last of this yet.
   'Nuff said.

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