Monday, August 27, 2012

Maybe He Needs Glasses

   It would seem so after a 55 year old Nepalese man thought he was shooting at a monkey that was stealing his crops.
   He fired at something moving in the trees. But it wasn't a monkey. Seems his 12 year old son had scaled a tree trying to chase away a macaque monkey. Seems they're pests in that part of the world, and prone to stealing farmers crops.
   By now, you've no doubt put 1 and 1 together, and came to the conclusion that what farmer Gupta was shooting at wasn't a monkey, but rather his 12 year old son Chitra. Police say Gupta was unaware his son had climbed the tree to try and shoo the monkeys out of their maize field.
   The farmer apparently told police he only became aware of his mistake when his son fell and got caught in a tree limb.
   Guess he shot first and asked questions later. Shame his kid paid the ultimate price.
   'Nuff said.

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