Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Senators Wife

   That little hottie is 23 year old Maygan Sensenberger, and she's caused quite a stir in Canada since last week. May was busted after her plane landed in Saskatoon, and charged with endangering an aircraft, and uttering threats. Was she drunk on the flight from Ottawa? No. So, what happened anyway?
   Well, it seems her husband is a senator in the un-elected upper chamber in Canada, and (according to police) May started in on him during the flight, and threatened to bring down the airplane.
   Witnesses tell a different story. One man says her hubby started having difficulty breathing, and she was, naturally enough, concerned about him and the care he was getting. Maygan did have the endangering an airplane charge dropped, but still faces ones for threatening and causing a disturbance.
   I guess I should mention that her husband, senator Rod Zimmer, is a bit older than her. Quite a bit. In fact at 69, he`s old enough to be her grandfather.
   Now, some questions have to be asked. First, why fly to Saskatoon? Well, I guess it's better than Moose Jaw. Or Prince Albert (ugh). Second, why marry the old boy? Well, I guess being a senator, he makes a more than living wage. And since he'll kick the bucket sooner that her, she stands to gain his pension, plus the estate. Do I suspect a gold-digger? Jury's out on that at the moment. Thirdly, just how many times DOES 69 go into 23? Well, I guess as long as the Viagra is in effect. Sorry to be crude.
   No, I'm not.
   'Nuff said.

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