Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Eff Off!

   That pretty much sums up what Canada's broadcast regulator, the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission, had to say to Netflix and Google after both had the audacity to challenge the CRTC's "authority" when it comes top internet service. Submissions from both at recent hearings into the future of TV were deleted from the record. Why? Seems both told the CRTC to go fuck themselves after the body ordered them to turn over sensitive subscriber information. Good on Netflix and Google. As for the CRTC: Go fuck yourself!
   This "broadcast regulator" is archaic in their effort to promote home-grown 'entertainment'. And I use the term 'entertainment' lightly. Have you seen the shit Canadian companies produce? If not, count yourself lucky. With very, VERY few exceptions, most of the TV production in this country is a joke. Living here, I've been subjected to crap show after crap show. "The Beachcombers", "King of Kensington", "Little Mosque on the Prairies", and the excrementally un-funny "Corner Gas" are just a few examples.
   Given those shows, it's no wonder people are cutting the cable and going to Netflix and Google for their entertainment needs. And as far as news coverage, well, you can get what you want on-line.
   To me, it seems the only function the CRTC has is to prop up the CBC, Canada's 'national' network, and the main producer of the diarrhea they continue to flush into our living rooms. I think it's way past time for both agencies to fade to black.
   'Nuff said.

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