Monday, October 6, 2014

Totally Ab "Zorb" Ing

   You've probably heard of "zorbing". That's when you climb into what almost looks like an inflatable hamster freedom ball for humans and start rolling around in it. There've been videos of people going down hills etc, but in a case of extreme "zorbing" comes the story of some dumb shit who tried to "zorb" from the U.S to Bermuda and back, tracing the so-called "Bermuda Triangle".
   Yup! The 42 year old peace activist tried to walk more than 3 thousand miles in a cylindrical one with outboard paddles attached. Something like an old paddle-wheeler. On board, he had water and energy bars for food. Nothing else, just energy bars.
   His walk came to an end when, tired and disoriented, he radioed the U.S Coast Guard for help. This comes after the Coast Guard warned him earlier this week about his 'quest', only to have their warning ignored. The man, an Iranian refugee, told them he planned on fishing to augment his nutrition bars. He didn't say just how, or even if, he planned on cooking the catch.
   And while they rescued the guy, his bubble was lost at sea. Along with his passport, Green Card and shoes.
   I just can't, or don't want to, imagine how the inside of that zorb must've stunk.
   Hope he never breeds!
   'Nuff said.

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