Thursday, September 4, 2014

Really? Fuckin' Really??

   I think technology and narcissism have gone a little too far. For about 75 bucks, you can now get a toaster you can download a "selfie" to, and literally 'print' your face on toast. It's called, not surprisingly, the "Selfie Toaster":
   How does it work? Apparently, you take a high quality selfie, or image of your choice, download it to a company in Vermont and they craft a special, one of a king toaster that (from what I could see, keeping in mind I'm not a technical genius) has some kind of plasma cutter thst burns or etches your image on the on the element inside the toaster. Yes, the result is edible, and you can have one image per slot. Sort of a 'his and hers' thing.
   No, you can't simply download an image on to the toaster to fit your whim, since there is a manufacturing step. And that's probably just as well. Who needs to see naked pictures on their toast first thing in the morning anyway? On the plus side, your toaster can't be "hacked" and your image "stolen". Or replaced with something offensive. It also means you can't do the "sexting" thing, using toast.
   I will NOT be getting one, and not because I can find a better use for 75 bucks. It's simply to do with the fact I don't do breakfast to begin with, and rarely eat toast for any other meal. It wasn't said if it'd work on waffles or English muffins.
   'Nuff said

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