Monday, September 22, 2014

We Now Know The Answer To One Burning Question

   And that question is: "Are you really that fucking stupid?" It stems from something sweeping social media about putting your iPhone 6 in a microwave to charge it. Yup! It's said doing so will activate an alleged "wave" feature of the iOS 8 operating system. It says that users can charge their devices by simply placing them in household microwaves for 60 seconds at 700w or 70 seconds at 800w, and thus do away with a standard charging adapter.
   Holy shit! If you're really that dumb, go ahead and do it. Put your brand new iPhone 6 or 6 plus in the microwave and nuke it. It seems a few people have been duped into doing it. What I'd like to know is who put this out? Apple, in order to sell more units?, or their main cellphone rival Samsung?
   And seriously, if people really are that fucking stupid, let's hope the never breed.
   'Nuff said.

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