Monday, September 8, 2014

Random Ratbag Ramblings

   Nothing specific on the old Ratbag radar, just a few potential and current law cases. In the U.S, video of Ray Rice of the NFL Baltimore Ravens punching his then fiancée, knocking her out, has been released. What a sick fuck! I don't give a flying fuck what "provocation" he might have had, you don't hit a woman. And then drag her unconscious body out of the elevator where you hit her.
   Needless to say, there are calls being made for him to be turfed out of football altogether. If he ever does play again, It's my fervent hope on his very first play, some big, hulking linebacker tackles him so hard it snaps his spine, paralysing him.
   The most unbelievable thing about the whole sordid case is the fact the woman he hit married the son of a bitch!

   Speaking of sons of bitches, jury selection has started for this man:
   Luka Magnotta is charged with first degree murder in the killing and dismemberment of a Chinese student, Jun Lin, in May 2012. Lin's body parts were them mailed out to locations in Ottawa, and B.C. It's thought jury selection could take 2 weeks, and the trial another 6 to 8. If found guilty, under Canadian law, the maximum is life with no parole for 25 years. Unless he's declared a dangerous offender, and can be held indefinitely.
   I've got a better idea. Hand the asshole over to his victims family and let them deal with him. Or at least bring back the death penalty in Canada.

   Lastly from the sick fuck file, a woman in Alberta has been charged with the first degree murder of her own daughter. The woman (with the appropriate last name "Coward") was found standing outside the vehicle the 9 year olds body was found in. Seems there was a bitter divorce, with the girl's custody the main issue
   Again, I think the death penalty should apply.
   But then again, that's just my opinion.
   'Nuff said.

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