Monday, September 15, 2014

I Wouldn't Have Known Otherwise

   It's a god-damn shame sarcasm does not translate from my keyboard to your computer screen. If it did, this post would be dripping with it. I turned in to what they call "Canada's Weather Network" (IE: The Weather Network) to get my latest forecast. I just missed it, but knew it'd come on in another 10 minutes. While I was waiting, I happened to see them screen something billed as "The Top 5 Signs of Fall".
   Having been through more than 230 changes of season in my life, I was interested to see what these were. And I was aghast at what they told me. Their number 5 sign of fall is frost. According to the report (and I am NOT making this up), frost generally happens overnight when temperatures get down to the freezing mark. Number 4: Geese flying south. The reporter said you get used to seeing them all summer, then suddenly, their they are, heading south. 3: Shorter days. That's when the sun starts setting earlier and earlier, and eventually we're eating dinner in the dark. 2: Hurricane season picks up, with September the prime month for tropical storms. And number 1 sign fall is near: The leaves change color.
   Now, more sarcasm, so bear with me. I don't know why they did this, or who it was aimed at, since all 5 "signs" are self explanatory to almost anyone living in the Northern Hemisphere IE: Immigrants to our country). I guess it's to help anyone who just moved from the equator. Or maybe the planet Lagash from Isaac Asimov's classic sci-fi novella "Nightfall", or some other planet where seasonal changes are extremely rare, or non-existent.
   Probably, they needed to fill a minute, and had nothing remotely more interesting to talk about.
  'Nuff said.

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