Friday, November 29, 2013

It's Black (Eye) Friday

   It is, in fact, the day retailers make a good chunk of their budget on. It's also a day shoppers (mostly American, but quite a few Canadian) head to the stores in droves, bargain hunting as the Christmas shopping season starts.
   Unfortunately, it also brings out the worst in a lot of people. There were reports of fights breaking out between customers all wanting that "must have" item. Clerks at several stores got injured in the melee. Shit, even cops were getting roughed up!
   Walmart seems to be the fan favourite for poor behaviour, with a fight between 3 patrons at one store, a customer pepper spraying other shoppers and staff at another. And one stabbing as well! And for what? Well, in one case a fight broke out over a TV. A fucking television! So far, there's no report of gunfire, but it does point out the fact there are only 26 shooting days 'til Christmas.
   Did I take part in the madness and mayhem? Fuck no! I'll wait 'til next week when things calm don before I venture into any store.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Dumb Fuck" Update

   So, last week I titled a post "Dumb Fuck Friday", and documented the going's on of Toronto's crack mayor (or mayor on crack) Rob Ford, and that little douche Justin Beiber.
   Well, we have updates! It seems Mr. Ford has more unseemly allegations being leveled at him, including inferences to domestic abuse and a suggestion he was once stopped from speaking to the prime minister because he was too intoxicated.
   As for the other shart, Bieber, it seems he's having trouble with neighbors. No, sorry. His neighbors are having trouble with him. Back from his "tour" of South America, where he seemed to piss off quite a few people, he's back at his home in the States. Much to the chagrin of the people living near him. Seems the cops were called 3 separate times about noise coming from this little asshole's house. It's just a fucking shame he's not blitzed on bath salts and charges officers while armed with a knife or something. Ka-BLAM!
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's Grey Cup Weekend

   So, it's Grey Cup weekend. Anyone else not care? And this year it's being held in Regina, the city who's name rhymes with "fun". Not that a lot of fans or players have been having much fun so far this week, with bitterly cold temperatures and high wind chill values.
   Several members of the Hamilton Tiger Cats got frostbite during practice this week. The Saskatchewan Roughriders have been working out indoors to avoid just that. There's no dome over the stadium there, and it seems City Fathers have decided the new stadium will also be topless. Which means cold football. It also means for 4 or 5 months of the year, having no roof or dome or cover will just leave the new stadium as a snow dump.
   How fucking stupid is that? Here they have an opportunity for a first class facility which could host things like RV and home improvement shows, not to mention major concerts, during the off-season in the CFL. But no. It's "too expensive". So, instead fans will be subject to more cold weather games. Unless the league decides to start the season a month earlier, which ain't likely.
   They have a golden opportunity to build a world class stadium, and instead they're opting for the cheaper option. As for who I'm cheering for Sunday.....I don't care.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Make It Stop! Please, Somebody Just Make It Stop!!

   Tis the season. Christmas season. And that means stores have started playing Christmas music. All fucking day. With no break. And I fucking HATE Christmas music. It's bad enough in the 2 weeks before the "big day", but to have it start half way through November?!? Really??
   And is it really necessary for food stores to play that shit for the next 6 weeks? It's not like I can stock up on supplies for the next 6 weeks. Department stores, fine. I can avoid them. But I need my local grocery store. Seriously, it's almost enough to me me go postal!
   So please retailers, knock the Christmas music the fuck off until December 15th or so. I'm not the only one who hates that shit. Hell, the poor people who work in those stores are subjected to it for up to 8 hours a day.
   So I say "Let There Be Peace On Earth", cut the crap music out, and give my eardrums a freaking break!
   'Nuff said

Friday, November 15, 2013

It's "Dumb Fuck" Friday

   And we'll start with Canada's 'crack' mayor, or should that be Canada's mayor on 'crack', Toronto's Rob Ford. This has gone global, and what a nice endorsement for my country's largest city. Ford has admitted smoking crack while in a "drunken stupor". He also admitted buying illicit drugs since his election. He also admitted to driving while drunk.
   And if that ain't bad enough, Ford (allegedly) had hookers in his office. Council has voted to strip him of a few executive powers, and meet again Monday to decide whether or not to transfer power to the deputy mayor. Fatso Ford has launched a lawsuit over the actions. I hope he has a team of crack lawyers working on it for him.
   Moving on to my favorite little douchebag:
   Yep! This pubic louse is back in the news again, and again for all the wrong reasons. The little pus filled bubo has caused quite a stir on his South American tour. Not only did Justin Bieber paint a racially tinged piece of Brazil (a black monkey), but he also defamed the Argentinian flag, using it as a mop with his feet and a mic stand. Way to go Beebs!
   When is this little cunt going to grow up? Hopefully never, because it gives haters like me (and a whole lot of others) a great target. But I also sincerely hope this filthy piece of distended rectum has a fatal OD soon.
   'Nuff said

Sunday, November 10, 2013

This Is About As Low As You Can Go

   Tomorrow is Remembrance Day in Canada, when we honor our veterans from all conflicts, and pay special tribute to the thousands of service people who gave the ultimate, and laid down their lives in service of our country.
   It's no secret that I wholly support our vets, and proudly take part in Remembrance Day services. So this came as the ultimate insult.
   Some sick fuck in Richmond, B.C broke into the Legion #291 Branch, and stole 10 ceremonial  flags, some of which are irreplaceable. Included was the Union Jack, along with Ladies Auxiliary standards, and the banner bearing the Legion Branch insignia. Apparently they, and the poles were stored in 2 ski-bags, and a Legion spokesman believes the assholes responsible thought they were skis.
  The 2 most valuable are the ones with the Branch insignia, and a Legion spokesman was simply for their return. No questions asked.
   I could go off on a long, very profane rant against the scum who did this, but I won't. However, if they're found they should either be jailed for a very long time, and if they're immigrants, kicked out of the country.
   It's really sad the "justice" system in this country won't allow my favorite 2 punishments. One: Put them in uniform and make them serve in a very dangerous part of the world, or Two: Put them in front of a military firing squad.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why The Hell Not

(photo courtesy Zucker Bakery)
   A bakery in New York is combining American Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, along with donuts, turkey and cranberry sauce. All into one. Just when you think Krispy Kreme went too far with the Sloppy Joe donut, comes the "Thanksgivukkah" donut.
   In fact, there are several different versions of the "Thanksgivukkah" donut, including one with a spiced pumpkin donut, turkey and turkey gravy, or the one with turkey and cranberry sauce. No? How about a sweet potato donut with toasted marshmallow cream. No? Well then how about a good old fashioned jelly donut. With cranberry sauce instead of jelly.
   The owners of the bakery say they stuff the donut with the ingredients before deep-frying them, so no donut holes. And if you were wondering why "Thanksgivukkah", it's because Thanksgiving and the first night of Hanukkah are on the same day. Something that won't happen again for some 77 thousand, 8 hundred years.
   Which is about how long I'm willing to wait to try the "Thanksgivukkah" donut.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, November 8, 2013

This Is Just Bullshit

   Remembrance Day is Monday, but a Costco store in B.C is being remembered for a not so special reason. It seems the retailer KICKED OUT a former Air Cadet who was trying to sell them. Seems the guy has been selling the poppies for years, but was told last weekend to stop selling them at the Costco outlet.
   As you probably know, the campaign runs for 2 weeks, and the money raised goes to help fund the Royal Canadian Legion. It also helps commemorate those service personnel who gave their lives in war. Apparently, the nearby Superstore welcomed the fellow in with open arms, but not Costco.
   If it seems like I'm targeting Costco, yeah. I am. And I say FUCK Costco over this. In fact, I'm ripping up my membership card right in front of the store manager this weekend. While wearing several poppies.
   And my reaction is being echoed by several people across the country who also feel the same way.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Maybe My Folks Were Right After All

   When I was growing up, I go t a lot of the old "sit up straight" or "stand up straight" shouts in my direction when I tried to get comfortable by slouching in my chair or on the couch or even when standing. Sometimes, although not that often, it would be followed up by a sharp smack on the back of the head. Usually followed by the line "if you keep slouching like that, you'll end up with a bad back". Who knew my folks were right.
   Seems a couple of doctors in Holland are finding kids as young as 18 with back problems similar to people much, much older. And they've even come up with a name for it "Gameboy back". They say it's caused by kids hunching over their Gameboy, tablet, phone or other devices for hours at a time. Which in turn curves the spine into a "C", putting kids at risk of muscle problems, headaches and even herniated discs.
   While far from calling for a ban on the devices, the doctors say parents can do their part by teaching better posture. They also say a simple test can tell them if their kid needs to go to a doctor by having them touch their toes. At least when weight's not an issue. It may mean the kids spine has started to curve.
   So, Sit Up Straight and/or Stand Up Straight. Sorry, but I can't administer a quick slap to the back of the head. Just as well, though.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Now That's A Beer. Take Two.

   Just over a year ago, I blogged about the worlds strongest beer (Now That's A Beer October 18, 2012). Armageddon had an alcohol content of 65%. They've been one-upped by this:
   Snake Venom comes in at a whopping 67.5% alcohol. The best part is, they did it to themselves. Brewmeister Brewery in Scotland unveiled the last word in high test beer recently. According to the story I saw, they purposely made Armageddon "oily" to mask the taste of alcohol. Not so with Snake Venom. The alcohol is strong, but not enough to overpower the taste of malt and hops.
   Apparently, they used 2 different yeasts for fermentation, and froze the concoction several times during the process. And this beer is so strong, it even comes with it's own warning label saying people should not consume 35 ml (that's not even an ounce and a half) in one sitting.
   There's 275 ml in each bottle, which goes for 85 buck a pop. And like Armageddon, the brewers say this should be sipped, like a fine single malt scotch, not pounded down like pizza beer.
   Still I kinda wonder how much father this can go. 70% alcohol? I really can't see anything over that. Would I try one? Fuck no. as I said in "Now That's A Beer" I like my liver.
   'Nuff said.