Thursday, August 30, 2012

Not Appropriate For Children

   At least that's what Bill Nye (The Science Guy) says about biblical creationism. He's released a video dealing with the subject, which (as of Thursday) already had 1.3 million hits on You Tube since it was posted Monday.
   Nye has asked parents who don't support evolution not to teach their beliefs to children. He goes on to say widespread doubt about the scientific concept of evolution would hinder a country renowned for their general grasp of science.
   But a recent poll would seem to suggest otherwise, which showed 46% of American's surveyed fall into the creationist viewpoint thinking a mythical cloud rider (god) created everything within the past 10 thousand years. Nye goes on to say that while more than a few adults believe that fairy tale, kids should be taught evolution to understand science.
   And now, the rant.
   I find it hard to believe that in the 21st century people still subscribe to the silly, if not idiotic, notion that a deity created by man more than 6 thousand years ago in turn created everything we know and see today.
   It`s even more ludicrous given the advancements in science over the past 500 or so years. Advancements and developments which continually knock holes in the creationist theory. It was only 5 or 600 years ago church dogma stated the (flat) earth was the centre of the universe, and everything revolved around us. Silly, really, when you think ancient Greeks had worked out the world was round centuries earlier. And the advancements in science which put the earth at the outskirts of one of some 100 billion galaxies in the universe. You'd think that'd be part of the dogma, since 'god' "created" it all.
   Hell, certain backwoods baptist bible belting bastards would have you believe it to this day. Shit, even the catholic church took 300 years to apologize to Galileo for persecuting him.
   And as to where I put my 'faith'. Evolution. Every time. And it's not just the FACT that evolution exists, but continues to this day. It's more the FACT that I prefer that version of events to anything concocted by 'god'. Lets face it. This is the deity that calls for ritualistic animal sacrifice. Genital mutilation of children. This deity is responsible for genocide, infanticide and the near mass extinction of everything on earth. If you believe the crap in the old testament. Don't believe me? Read the Big Book of thou Shalt Not (the bible) yourself. Both books. You'll understand why I'm an atheist.
   Anyhow, way to go Bill Nye the Evolution Guy! Keep spreading the truth.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"No Easy Day"

   It certainly wasn't for this filthy piece of distended rectum. It was May 2nd 2011 SEAL team 6 punched Osama bin Laden's ticket, cancelling him from the human race. Ever since then, there have been conflicting stories about the pig fuckers demise (see my blog of May 2, 2012). Now, a  Navy SEAL who took part in the raid has come out with a book on taking out that piece of trash. In "No Easy Day", former SEAL Matt Bissonnette, writing under the pseudonym Mark Owen, describes the raid on the Pakistani compound. And what he says contradicts everything else told.
   The original version claimed the team entered through the main floor, and was involved in a 15 minute or so gun battle with OBL being killed by 2 shots (chest and head) in his bedroom.
   The second tale suggested the SEALS entered the compound through the roof, and killed OBL while he was diving for an AK-47 assault rifle.
   The latest book, due out next week, says bin Laden got his instantaneously fatal dose of lead poisoning (or a permanent 5.56 mm headache cure) as he looked out of his bedroom door, and was not retreating to his room or diving for a gun. Guess that cancels his martyr status AND the 72 virgins.
   Bissonnette also goes on to say they were to have captured old Osama if he surrendered. And there's about as much chance of that happening as the sun rising in the west and setting in the north.
   And I still wonder if OBL's corpse was tossed into the sea for him to become fish shit, or if the SEALS brought it back to the States with them. Hopefully pickled in alcohol.
   One thing's almost certain. We ain't heard the last of this yet.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Senators Wife

   That little hottie is 23 year old Maygan Sensenberger, and she's caused quite a stir in Canada since last week. May was busted after her plane landed in Saskatoon, and charged with endangering an aircraft, and uttering threats. Was she drunk on the flight from Ottawa? No. So, what happened anyway?
   Well, it seems her husband is a senator in the un-elected upper chamber in Canada, and (according to police) May started in on him during the flight, and threatened to bring down the airplane.
   Witnesses tell a different story. One man says her hubby started having difficulty breathing, and she was, naturally enough, concerned about him and the care he was getting. Maygan did have the endangering an airplane charge dropped, but still faces ones for threatening and causing a disturbance.
   I guess I should mention that her husband, senator Rod Zimmer, is a bit older than her. Quite a bit. In fact at 69, he`s old enough to be her grandfather.
   Now, some questions have to be asked. First, why fly to Saskatoon? Well, I guess it's better than Moose Jaw. Or Prince Albert (ugh). Second, why marry the old boy? Well, I guess being a senator, he makes a more than living wage. And since he'll kick the bucket sooner that her, she stands to gain his pension, plus the estate. Do I suspect a gold-digger? Jury's out on that at the moment. Thirdly, just how many times DOES 69 go into 23? Well, I guess as long as the Viagra is in effect. Sorry to be crude.
   No, I'm not.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Maybe He Needs Glasses

   It would seem so after a 55 year old Nepalese man thought he was shooting at a monkey that was stealing his crops.
   He fired at something moving in the trees. But it wasn't a monkey. Seems his 12 year old son had scaled a tree trying to chase away a macaque monkey. Seems they're pests in that part of the world, and prone to stealing farmers crops.
   By now, you've no doubt put 1 and 1 together, and came to the conclusion that what farmer Gupta was shooting at wasn't a monkey, but rather his 12 year old son Chitra. Police say Gupta was unaware his son had climbed the tree to try and shoo the monkeys out of their maize field.
   The farmer apparently told police he only became aware of his mistake when his son fell and got caught in a tree limb.
   Guess he shot first and asked questions later. Shame his kid paid the ultimate price.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

One Small Step For (A) Man

   One giant leap for mankind. Those were the first words spoken from the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. And the man who spoke them, Neil Armstrong, has died at age 82. He'd had heart bypass surgery earlier this month, and died of complications from that.
   Armstrong made 3 trips into space, on Gemini 8 and 11, then the historic Apollo 11 moon landing. Gemini 8 nearly ended in tragedy when the spacecraft started tumbling out of control, and the mission had to end early. Gemini 11 was successful.
   Armstrong also dodged death training for the Apollo missions after the lunar module trainer went out of control and he had to eject from what they called the "flying bedstead" which simulated the moons gravity.
   And then there was the Apollo 11 landing itself. I was in my teens that year, glued to the T.V as Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin made their way down toward the lunar surface. And I remember the tension when they nearly landed in a boulder field. They avoided that, and touched down safely. With less than 30 seconds of fuel left.
   Then there was the moon walk, and Armstrong's historic words. They spent a total of 2 and a half hours setting up experiments, some of which are still working, and planting the American Flag (which was blown over by the exhaust of the ascent module). In total, they spent 21 hours on the lunar surface before rejoining Mike Collins in the command module for the flight home. With plenty of rocks and soil samples.
   With his passing the world, not just the U.S.A, has lost an icon and hero.
   'Nuff said, except R.I.P Neil Armstrong!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Happens In Vegas.....

   In this case makes world-wide news. You've heard about this, and maybe even seen the pictures. Prince Harry has once again, so to speak, put his royal foot in his mouth. Or more to the point, his royal dingle on the web. Seems the 3rd in line to the British throne was in Sin City recently, and pictures of him naked, cavorting with a naked woman have created quite the shit storm. Harry's seen covering his royal jewels with his hands, with a naked chick behind him. It seems he and some other friends "picked up" a couple of girls, and invited them to their room for a game of strip billiards.
   I'm guessing Harry won, cause he still had a couple of balls in play. Along with his cue-stick. I shouldn't assume this, but I'm guessing he also invited miss nude to a game of poke-her. Anyway, the royal family is in a right tizzy over Harry's latest antics, and I'm sure he's gonna get a ticking off when he gets home. His brother, William, is NOT AMUSED, but there's been no word on how Charles, the Queen and other royals are reacting. I'm sure not favorably.
   This isn't the first time Harry's been in dutch with the Windsor Mafia either. A few years back he was seen at a party in a Nazi uniform, giving the Nazi salute. Grand-mama and Grand-papa were decidedly not impressed.
   And neither is the British Army with this latest antic. They say he will be reprimanded, but not dismissed, from the service. According to one story I saw, the military "does not expect such behaviour from someone his age or rank", and he will be "talked to" when he gets back.
   So, what happens in Vegas decidedly does NOT stay in Vegas. Keep your pecker up Harry!
   `Nuff said.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's A Shoe.....Relaced!

   No, they're not your run of the mill running shoes. Nike has fired the latest shot in the Sneaker Wars, unveiling the Lebron (James)-X. Unlike the $220 dollar "special edition" glow in the dark shoe they came out with for the NBA All-Star Game, these new ones will go for, hang on to your wallet, $315 dollars.
   Now, to be fair, these don't have a day-glow orange shackle and chain like the ill fated Adidas's "Shackle Shoe" which was pulled after complaints that they evoked memories of slavery and prison chain-gangs. What they do have is electronic monitors to track your workouts. That's a laugh, since the only workout the majority of the people who'll likely buy these gets is reaching for the Doritos. Or another beer.
   These are nearly twice as expensive as the last shoe, the Lebron-9, that came out. Part of the reason for the high price is cost of materials and labour. I guess the people in those Asian sweat shops making them needed a pay raise of 3 cents per day.
   I still think a trip to Wally's World is a better bargain. You'll spend maybe 80 bucks, leaving 235 for Doritos and beer.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Trains 6, People 3

   Yes, we do have an update on our scorecard. And Trains are pulling farther ahead with another win. This one happened his past weekend in Regina, Saskatchewan. AGAIN!!! Cops there say buddy was seen trying to leap onto a freight, slipped and.....well, the rest (along with him) is history.
   It was just last month (see my blog of July 16) there was a similar case there, and there've been 2 near misses where people have been lucky (or drunk) enough to escape with their lives.
   But the question has to be asked. What the fuck is going on there anyway? I mean, is it a civic sport to either try and leap on a moving train or dodge death with a near miss? Is there really that little to do in that town?
   Or are they Saskatchewan Roughrider fans despondent about the string of losses the CFL team has had the past few weeks?
   Only the victims know for sure, and 2 of them ain't talking.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Oh, No. Not Again!

   You remember that guy, don't you? He's Luka Magnotta, the man accused of killing and dismembering a Chinese student and mailing body parts around Canada. Well, police in Ontario have a similar case to investigate.
   Over the past couple of days, a human foot, head and 2 hands (left and right) have been found in a park in the Toronto area city of Mississauga. In almost the same place. Now, to be fair, cops have ruled out Luka as a suspect completely. Police have yet to say if the remains are all from the same person, or even if the case is a homicide.
   I'm no detective, but you don't have to be DickTracy to make the logical connection between the body parts and murder. Shit. I'll be REAL surprised if it turns out to be "natural causes". For that matter i'd be surprised if more than one body is involved.
   So, to the Peel Region Police, do your best and catch a suspect. And to the suspect, do us all a favour and deep throat the business end of a 10 gauge shotgun.
  'Nuff said.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Texting Terror Take Two

   Not that many days ago (in fact it was August 8th) I blogged about a guy who was texting while driving. His last text was "I need to quit texting because I could die in a car accident". Then he got in an accident, but survived.
   So, we all know about the dangers of texting while driving. And I've also chronicled people who were so wrapped up in what was on that little screen they've walked off piers, into doors and sometimes into traffic.
   Today, we in Canada are getting word that the pilot of a small plane was texting while flying. He died in a crash in Northeastern B.C last November. Investigators say they have evidence showing he not only got 3 texts while airborne, but was on his cell for almost half an hour. The flight was only 65 minutes long. Needless to say the Transportation Safety Board is proposing a crack down on pilots who are just as distracted as drivers who text. Or people simply walking while texting.
   In this case, the pilot was the only person on board, and was the only fatality. They pull commercial pilots out of the flight deck when they're drunk (which is a good thing). I haven't heard any cases one one being yanked for texting on the job. But if it ever does happen, they should. And clip his wings.
   And as unfortunate as ths accident was to the family of the pilot involved, at least he wasn't carrying any passengers.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Butler Did It!..Redux

   It was back on May 28th I blogged about the scandal that's still shaking the vatican over the butler who (allegedly) stole some of pope Benny's documents and leaked them. They were related to, among other things, the supposed power struggle between Ben and several cardinals (not the bird) who seem to want old Ben out one way or another. That included supposed plots to bump him off.
   Well, it seem a vatican judge has committed the butler to stand trial. Speedy, actually, when you consider the old women in the holy see usually take so long to do anything it makes an arthritic snail look as fast as a Bugatti Veyron.
   Anyway, the butler isn't the only person involved, either. It seems a computer expert in the Secretariat of State office has also been committed to stand trial for aiding and abetting said butler. Not for grand theft or revealing secrets. That particular mole may still be digging.
   The butler goes on trail in September, which is another speed record for the usually doddering fools in the vatican. About the only thing they seem to move quickly on is moving and covering up for pedophile priests.
   What's Benny say about this? Not much, as usual. Apparently he hasn't come out yet saying he forgives them, which he normally does.
   Ah, well. Just another crack in the wall. Pass me the sledgehammer, will ya?
   'Nuff said

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What's The Buzz?

   Well, if you were in New York recently, it was a free vibrator giveaway! At least it was until city officials shut things down.
   Seems the Trojan condom company set up 2 carts where they were giving away the sex toys. But it also seems they weren't prepared for the buzz it created. Pun purposely intended. A story I saw on this says 10 thousand vibrators were, uh, up for grabs at hot dog styled "pleasure carts" in 2 areas of the Big Apple. In both cases, 300 people showed up. And due to the crowds, Trojan was told to, uh, pull the plug so to speak on the promotion, but could return after they get proper permission.
   But here's what I don't get. Why would a condom company be giving away free vibrators anyway? You'd think it would be counterproductive handing out samples of the competition, wouldn't it? But then again it's like the old Coke jingle "Ain't nothin' like the real thing baby. Ain't nothin' like the real thing".
   One other question. Were batteries included? Just asking. That's all.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Self Fulfilling Prophecy?

   It damn near was for one guy in the States recently. A story I saw on Yahoo says our hero was texting and driving at the same time. Illegal in a lot of States, Provinces and cities to say the least. In an ironic twist of fate, he sent a text to a buddy saying "I need to quit texting because I could die in a car accident".
   You know what happened next, don't you. Yup! Our guy lost control of his pick-up, flew over a bridge, and into a 35 foot deep ravine. And surprisingly, he's not up for a Darwin Award. He survived! Only just, but he survived.
   He did end up with a traumatic brain injury, fractured skull, broken neck, punctured lung, a busted face that needed reconstructive surgery AND other injuries. He ended up in hospital (according to the report I saw) for 6 months.
   He's now championing the cause of NOT texting while driving. And you know what? I applaud this guy. If his experience saves even one life, then his message has gotten across. And no snide comment or witty remark from me this time.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

No Sign Of Marvin

   NASA staffers are jubilant over the text-book landing of their latest Mars probe, Curiosity. The car-sized rover survived the most difficult landing attempt so far on the Red Planet. Not only did entry into the Martian atmosphere go according to plan, but everything else worked.
   A parachute deployed, the heat shield dropped off and then came the most audacious part of the landing when a rocket pack slowed the lander down while suspended on what looked like bungee cords. Those were then cut, and Curiosity landed in a crater at 2 miles an hour!
   This mission is quite simple. Look for signs of the building blocks of life in the soil. The mission is planned to last 2 years, and the rover will cover about 12 miles. But given the sterling success of Spirit (landed in 2004 and declared "dead" in 2010) and Opportunity, (which also landed in 2004 and is still active), I'd bet safe money this mission will be going on longer than that.
   About the only disappointment so far is none of the missions have found the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, or any trace of Marvin the Martian. Which is probably just as well, since he wants to blow up the Earth 'cause it obstructs his view of Venus. And scientists have proven how smouldering hot SHE is!
   'Nuff said.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ahh, The Dog Days Of Summer

   Yes, we are in the dog days, and it's been a bitch trying to find much to blog about recently, hence the lack of posts. True to my word, I have yet to watch one second of the Olympics, a record I plan on keeping.
   I have yet to get an updated Trains vs People score to pass along. No "celebrities" of any note have done anything stupid, except the Jacksons, who seem to be in a family feud over Mikes kids. Or, more specifically his money. The old lady "vanished" for a few days, only to turn up safe and sound. I caught a glimpse of her "news conference" when she was surrounded by other members of the family.
   And the looks on their faces told a lot more than what the old lady had to say. You could almost read the "shut the fuck up Mom, and don't say anything" look on their faces. She's also (from what I've heard) no longer the kids guardian either. That job went to Tito's kid. Along with the money. Not that MJ had anything biological to do with the kids anyway. At least in my humble opinion.
   Huh! For not having much to blog about, I've managed to post an entry after all! Will wonders never cease! Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to say later.
   Enjoy the rest of your summer! But for now......
   'Nuff said.