Friday, June 1, 2012

You Play With Snakes, You Get Bit

   Which is exactly what happened to a "preacher" in the States (West Virginia to be exact) who died after being bitten by a timber rattlesnake. How did this happen? Was the good reverend simply walking along and got bit? Was he trying to reach into the bushes for something and disturbed the snake? No. Mark Wolford was a "snake handler". He's one of those who tries to prove their faith by, well, handling poisonous snakes.
   It seems the serpent struck during a service at Panther State Forest, which is a state park. A relative and a photographer say they saw it happen, but the rest of his family, county officials, the coroner and funeral home are not commenting.
   If he was trying to prove his faith, what does that say about god? I mean, here's a guy who's pissing off a fucking rattlesnake. Where was god? Maybe he was busy. You know, saving someone more worthy. Maybe he got distracted. Something like " i've got to stop that snake from biting Mark before it's, look. A cute little bunny". Maybe god was mad at Mark for pissing off one of his creations and let him get bitten as a lesson. Maybe he just didn't care. And maybe god didn't intervene because he doesn't exist.
   Whatever. Mark tested his faith and lost. Which just goes to show you can never trust a poisnous snake. Especially not the pointy bit at the front.
   'Nuff said.

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