Monday, June 11, 2012

Grand Pricks At The Grand Prix

   So, the Montreal Grand Prix went ahead as planned Sunday, and surprisingly (or not) there was little in the way of demonstrations or protests from the rabble calling themselves university students who are pissed off at pending tuition fee increases (see my blog of May 19 "Get Back To Class..A Rant"). I'm kinda surprised they didn't show up, because they hinted they'd try and disrupt the weekend. And I'm  kinda not surprised that only 30 people were arrested at a subway stop near the venue, given the police presence on hand. Even still, there were groups of people demonstrating against the hike, and the law banning most forms of demonstrations, all weekend. Some in their undies, some in a lot less.
   That didn't deter thousands of people from attending (although organizers say there was a 5 to 6% drop off in ticket sales), and dumping as much as $100 million into the city's economy. I guess some of the protesters who didn't show up must be economics students with at least a enough smarts to realize what a hit to the city shutting down the event would have cost. Let alone the police bill.
   So now students, you've had your time in the international spotlight. You got to wave your placards in front of the international media. You got to chant your little chants. You got to show the world just how juvenile and puerile you really are. And as I said back in May, if you put even half the energy into your studies as you have these stupid, futile protests, you'd have a much easier time graduating and making a positive contribution to your city, province and the country.
   'Nuff said.
   And oh, yeah, Lewis Hamilton won the race. His 3rd Montreal GP.

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