Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Another Sad Loss

   Whether or not you like the genre, science fiction is a huge industry. And there are several names that come to mind if you're my age or older. Sadly, another of those has passed away. Ray Bradbury was 91 when he died Tuesday night, so he did have a very long life. For those of you who don't know who he was, Ray Bradbury wrote the classic "Fahrenheit 451" about a futuristic society where firemen START fires. Usually burning books. The title is also the temperature at which book paper catches fire.
   Bradbury also wrote The Martian Chronicles which, if memory serves, deals with the exodus from Earth to Mars, and the resulting conflict with native Martians. I must have read through 3 copies of that book when I was (much) younger. So now, the ABC of classic science fiction has gone. Isaac Asimov, who's work includes what I consider one of the best sci-f stories ever, Nightfall, along with setting out the Laws of Robotics died in 1992. Arthur C Clark, who was responsible for 2001 A Space Odyssey died in 2008.
   No, don't worry. I'm not forgetting Robert Heinlein, famous for Stranger in a Strange Land, who died in 1988 as one of the giants as well.
   Rest in Peace, Mr. Bradbury, and thank you for your writings.
   'Nuff said.

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