Friday, June 8, 2012

A Fish For Asthma?

   You wouldn't normally think having a fish would be a cure for the breathing disorder, would you. But in one part of India, it's being highly touted as just such. Tens of thousands descended on a stadium, 70 thousand to be exact, for a 170 year old family cure said to have been given by a Hindu saint.
   And it's not a spectacular or unusual fish either. It's a sardine. Live, by the way. Slathered with a yellow herbal paste. In my country, we call that paste "mustard", and it's actually not bad on sardines. Anyway, the practice is banned for kids under 14, and is, for some reason, frowned upon by the medical community.
   Some of those waiting for the "cure" needed to be treated for.....get ready for it.....breathing problems after waiting for hours in line and one guy had a fucking heart attack! And died!! To top it off, those who get this treatment must follow a strict diet for 45 days after. I wonder if it's fish?
   Now, I don't mind sardines (with mustard), but if I were an asthma sufferer I think I'd want more "conventional" treatment. And maybe save the sardines for bait next time I go off-shore fishing.
   'Nuff said.

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