Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mmm....Bacon Sundae. Maybe Not

   It's true! Burger King will be rolling out a new menu featuring a bacon sundae. It's soft serve ice cream with fudge, bacon bits, caramel and a piece of bacon. It's 510 calories, 18 grams of fat and 61 grams of sugar. Yeah.
   This new time-limited menu will also feature new pork, beef and chicken sandwiches in an effort to draw customers back. But it's not all quite like that. They do have so-called "healthy" choices like wraps and salads. But seriously. A bacon fucking sundae? I like bacon just fine, and I like sundae's as well. But the 2 together? No thanks.
   So, if/when the new menu hits in Ontario, you'll be able to drive through your local BK, grab a wrap or salad and a bacon sundae, head home and start wolfing it down. But the best part is that in that province you'll be able wash it all down with a new Voodoo Donut Maple Bacon Ale. (See my blog from May 31 on that topic.) And just like the beer, I'll pass on the sundae. Thanks.
   Now someone's just got to start a new business for imbibers of both. Something like Body Bags Are Us.
   'Nuff said.

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