Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Train vs People..Another Update

   So, by my scorecard, it's now Trains 4, People 2 after this latest incident. This time in Edmonton, Alberta where a guy crossing the tracks got hit. And unlike our other 3 victims, this guy was apparently NOT listening to music on his ear buds, and was NOT texting at the time (see my blog of April 1) when he was killed.
   No. Our victim was trying to get around the arm that automatically comes down at controlled crossings. Oh, yeah. He was pushing a shopping cart that got stuck in the rails somehow and was trying to free it when he got hit. And unlike our other stories where inattention was part of the cause, this is kinda tragic in that he'd been collecting bottles in the area of the accident almost every day. Cops haven't said if he was homeless, but the picture I saw shows what may have been his belongings stuffed into a garbage bag. Of course, it could've been bottles for that matter.
   And unlike the other cases, I kinda fell a little sorry for this guy.
   'Nuff said.

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