Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This Guy's Nuts!!

   No, not those kind of nuts. The one's I'm talking about I couldn't show a picture of on this blog. Yes. THOSE nuts, the ones we men stash in our jeans. Unless you're 22 year old Mao Sugiyama of Japan. He claims to be either asexual or ex-sexual (most likely the latter), and had his..uhh.."junk" surgically removed. But it get's better. Or worse, depending on your point of view. He had his "stash" frozen (the last time his dick was hard), took them home, and in a move Hannibal Lecter would be proud of, had them seasoned, cooked them himself, penis, scrotum and all, and served to 5 of his friends. Glad I don't know the fucker!
   Presentation is everything, so he served his 'thing' with mushrooms and parsley as a garnish, of course. At $250 bucks a plate!
   Now, to be fair to Mao, he did get checked for VD, and came out with a clean bill of health. Oh, yeah. He also had his nipples surgically removed. I just hope he didn't serve those as an appetizer.
   I just wonder what kind of wine you'd have with a meal like that. I mean, is it red wine with severed genitalia or white? I think I'll just order a pizza and have a beer.
   'Nuff said.

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