Monday, June 4, 2012


   He has in fact been arrested. Luka Magnotta was busted in Berlin this morning. And when he's extradited (who knows how long THAT will take), he will face several charges. Not the least of which is 1st degree murder in the brutal stabbing death of 33 year old Jun Lin. He will also likely face charges of offering an indignity to a dead body for dismembering his victim, and harassing M.P`s for mailing the parts to political offices in Ottawa.
   If convicted, he faces life, with no parole for 25 years. Which I think is complete bullshit. The minimum this piece of shit should get is life with NO parole. Served in an open institution where other inmates can mete out some jailhouse justice of their own. But that likely won`t happen, since Luka will probably end up in protective custody. Which the taxpayers of this country will be paying for the next 25 years. Why? Simple, really. Canada does not have the death penalty, which is unfortunate in this case, because (if guilty) Luka deserves to die. It's pukes like him, mass killer Robert Pickton and teen age girl killer Paul Bernardo who should be put down.
   Maybe we could send Magnotta to China, since it was one of their nationals he (allegedly) killed! I think that's a good idea! China has the death penalty! But that's not likely to happen. So, here's another idea. A while back I blogged about a Tory M.P who suggested putting a rope in a convict's cell to let them make up their own mind. And if someone "helped" Luka, so much the better.
   'Nuff said.
**********UPDATE: Magnotta appeared in a Berlin court Tuesday, and said he would not fight extradition back to Canada. He's expected back in this country as early as next week**********

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