Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Vatican Crackdown

   And about time too. It seems Benny and his crew have had enough, and have cracked the whip, telling one group to get back to promoting age-old church teachings. Was it pedophile priests? No. Was it bishops who hide pedophile priests? No. Was it bishops who have secret families? No. O-kay. Was it high placed vatican officials (maybe even cardinals....not the bird) who are leaking secrets about the doings in the holy see? No!!
   Who the hell is it then? Showing their traditional misogynistic disdain, vatican officials have rapped the knuckles of a group of American nuns for "straying away from church doctrine and promoting certain 'radical feminist' themes". Things like talking about homosexuality for example. Another issue is what role, if any, nuns should play within the greater dialogue of the catholic faith, even to what direction the church itself should be headed. They're going to get cold comfort from old Benny, who was called the doctrinal Rottweiler of the church.
   The vatican also imposed reform of the organization, and even put an arch-bishop in charge. I guess nuns can't talk about things like homosexuality or church reform. But, hey. That's typical. The group of nuns must now cave in to the old women in Rome, or break from the church altogether. One spokesman went as far as stating the vatican doesn’t have a history of saying, ‘You know what? You’re right. We had it wrong.
   That would be a fucking miracle. Which, of course, never EVER happens.
   'Nuff said.

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