Monday, December 24, 2018

Happy Ho Ho!

   For those who believe in it, Merry Christmas. For the rest of us, Happy Holiday, and enjoy Tuesday off.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Got What He Deserved

   That is, or more properly WAS, John Chau. The self-styled christian "missionary" met his end this past week on North Sentinel Island, in the Bay of Bengal off India. The selfish bitch was trying to "convert" the Sentinelese when he met his doom. No, not an accident. Not even an act of his so-called "god" (which failed to protect him, by the way).
   He was killed by the people who live on the island, and have done so for the past 55 thousand years. The Sentinelese are supposedly the direct descendents of the original people who started migrating out of Africa. They want to be left alone and uncontacted. The Indian government has declared their island restricted, off limits, a no-go zone, or whatever you wanna call it.
   Not that  there hasn't been contact in the past. A sailing ship in the 1800's was supposedly the first, and were greeted with outright hostility and aggression. A few years back, 2 fishermen accidentally drifted close, and both were killed. The only "friendly" contact, insomuch as they didn't attack intruders, was in 1991.
   Chau made the conscious decision to go. They fired arrows at him the first time he tried to land. The 2nd time, they broke his kayak and killed him. Good for them.
   I just hope the stupid dingle-berry didn't have something like flu or measles. Having lived in isolation for thousands of years, they're not immune, and the tribe (said to number anywhere from 40 to 500) could be wiped out.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

This Is Getting Tiresome

   Once again in America, the "Thoughts and Prayers" factory has gone into overdrive after a gun-toting maniac opened fire on a bunch of innocent people with the only goal to kill or wound as many as possible. This time 12 died when a 28 year old ex-marine supposedly suffering PTSD opened up in a bar in Thousand Oaks, California with a Glock 21
   And an extended magazine, before allegedly turning it on himself. Among the dead was a sheriff's deputy who was among the first law enforcement teams at the scene. Apparently the man (who's name HAS been released but who I won't identify 'cause he's a piece of shit) shot a security guard outside the bar before entering to start his rampage.
   It was just October 27th another nutbar with an assault rifle opened fire in a Synagogue, killing 11. Does America have a gun problem? The NRA and president "The Donald" would say "no". Bull Fucking Shit. It's become almost a daily occurrence when I tune into my local radio station and hear of yet another shooting. In fact, in the past 311 days of 2018, there have been 307 mass shootings, leaving 328 dead.
   Some of the people I follow on social media, who happen to be American, would suggest armed guards in public places. They also say if "someone had a concealed, the death toll wouldn't be so high", an actual quote. Bull Fucking Shit again. True, someone packing heat may get a lucky chance for a lucky shot to halt a rampage, but would more likely add to the death toll by hitting more innocent bystanders.
   This has quickly, and unintentionally, turned into a rant, but the bottom line here is that the U.S government, while not repealing their precious 2nd amendment, needs to look at some form of gun control. Either that, or start building more "Thoughts and Prayers" factories.
   Rant (now) over.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Only In America!

   That's Dennis Hof. Republican and brothel owner. He was also elected to the Nevada State Assembly in Tuesday's mid-term elections in the U.S. The 72 year old called himself the "Trump of Pahrump". Pahrump being a town west of Vegas, near the California border. And also the site of the "invasion" in the 'Mars Attacks' movie.
   Hof defeated a Democrat to win the seat, but there's a problem. A very large problem. Hof was buried Monday. He actually died October 16th at his Love Ranch brothel. Despite his no longer being with us, his campaign manager kept the ball rolling, urging folks to vote for Hof. Which they did. In enough numbers to secure that State Assembly seat. Apparently, the rules state people can elect someone posthumously, and the party will select his/her successor.
   I don't know, or really want to, if part of his campaign at his brothels included a "Hump for Hof" event, with the prospective electorate doing the "polling". All I do know is with various governments all fucking us over, it kinda made sense for a whorehouse operator to get erected...sorry...elected. At least at his businesses, you could actually see what was going to fuck you.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, October 22, 2018


   I might be treading on thin ice over deep water here, but this is, to me at least, a little bit of a double standard, and possible reverse discrimination. And it's over this:
   A "straight" flag that was flying outside a small town in eastern Canada. For a day. Until people complained, and it was removed. The town on question says flying the flag (and the request to do so) met Charter of Rights and Freedom criteria. Much the same as the pride flag
   Does for the LGBTQ community. Those are flown in countless communities across Canada, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd like to see it removed. For the record: I'm not a member of the LGBTQ community, but I have no problem with them celebrating. And that's where the double-standard kicks in, because if the LGBTQ community can celebrate, why can't the straight community?
   The backlash to the straight flag was swift, with one person calling it a symbol of hate. Which I think goes way too far. Without getting into the politics or histrionics of how and why the Pride movement started, I understand their concerns.
   Moving further over that thin ice, it almost seems like the "straight" community is now being marginalized, although I admit not to the extent of the LGBT.
   So, I have a simple solution. Lets forget about who's fucking who with what, gay or straight, and concentrate on being human regardless of orientation.
   Rant over:
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Fuck You Frankie (With All Due Respect)

   Seems pope Frankie has pinned the blame for the recent spate of accusations about the catholic church's kiddie diddling priests. Nope! Not on the clergy, but on the devil, satan himself. Cough (bullshit) cough. Frankie also asked catholics to prey (sorry, pray. Prey is what priests sexually see children as) every day in October, to try and beat old Beelzebub back.
   Good fuckin' luck. The problem ain't with the man "downstairs", but your own clergy for not only raping children (allegedly), but covering it up, and moving those responsible to other parishes where they can diddle again. Just seems old Frankie has turned a blind eye to the problem. Like just about every other pope, cardinal (not the birds), archbishop etc.
   Apparently, one archbishop, who was the vatican's ambassador to Washington, is fighting back, accusing Frank of knowing about sexual misconduct by U.S clergy with male seminarians, and doing sweet fuck all about it. Which has been denounced, naturally.
   No, the problem is not with "the great accuser", as Frankie called the devil, but with priests etc. not being able to keep their cocks inside their cassocks.
   Apparently, the rot has started inside now. Bring it!
   'Nuff said!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Well Here's A Surprise (NOT) Part 2

   Seems the catholic church has struck...AGAIN. This time, the kiddy diddling clergy in Germany is under fire. Seems some 17 hundred perverts abused almost 37 hundred people between 1946 and 2014. And like the story from Pennsylvania, it's not likely any will face justice. Again, due to the fact that many of the assholes have died, along with some of their victims.
   And like the case in Pennsylvania, the higher-ups apparently did sweet fuck all, other than to move the abusers to other parishes, where they were free to abuse again. How high up? Well, the vatican says they're preparing "necessary clarifications" (whatever the fuck that means), about top officials, including pope Frankie, who may have covered up allegations against an American cardinal (not the bird) in the Pennsylvania case. No word what's going to happen with this new batch from Deutschland.
   You also gotta wonder how long it'll be before we hear more tales of debauchery about these so-called "men of god". All I can say it "bring it". The more, the merrier. And even more hammer blows against a vastly evil institution that needs to be crumbled and turned into dust.
   For the record, I was not brought up catholic, and have (luckily) never been the victim of abuse at the hands of any 'clergy', or others. Regular viewers will know I'm an atheist who sees religion as a demonic invention of man. Now it's up to men, and women, to end it all.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

You Want Us To What Now?

      That's 93 year old Russ Nelson, and he's 'president' of the mormon church. And he wants us all, even non-members, to stop using the phrase 'mormon". In fact, he is insisting we stop using the term 'mormon' and use the full name "the church of jesus christ of later day saints". And no more abbreviating it to LDS, either. I think old Russ is on LSD.
   His pronouncement comes after he supposedly 'heard from god in a 'revelation' to make the change from 'mormon'. Sure he did. I'll betcha if ol' Russ actually DID hear from the made up cloud rider in the sky, he'd probably shit his pants, wondering if he'd been 'called home'.
   I dunno how he's going to work the re-branding into the 'book of mormon' or the 'mormon tabernacle choir', rather than the new tcojcolds. Something tells me it won't roll off the tongue like 'mormon'.
   And as for his insistence that non believers quit using the term 'mormon', I don't think so.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Well Here's A Surprise (NOT)

   Seems up to 300 former catholic priests and even higher ups in Pennsylvania have been implicated in a report by a Grand Jury of raping and/or abusing literally THOUSANDS of children over the past 70 years.
   The pedophiles are alleged to have done everything from raping a 7 year old girl, to getting a 17 year old pregnant, marrying and then divorcing her. One of the fuckers apparently abused 5 sisters IN THE SAME FAMILY. And why was nothing done? Because true to form, their higher-ups simply swept it under the carpet, and moved the ass-cunts responsible to another parish. Where they were free to do it all over again. Not only that, but one bishop is said to have thanked one priest who assaulted at least 12 boys, and fucking admitted it, for the "work he had done for god's people".
   How many of these shits will be brought to justice? Probably round about none. A lot of them have probably already croaked, hopefully of stomach cancer in some part of the world where the most potent pain reliever is kiddies aspirin. The other reason, is most of the incidents fall outside the State's statute of limitations.
   This just goes to reinforce a point I've made time and time again. The catholic church is an evil organization, where kiddie-diddling priests don't even get a pee-pee whack for their actions, let alone turned over to the cops for prosecution. It's a scam, pyramid scheme or Ponzi, where people have their money sucked out of them every week so the 'church' can pay off those brave enough to challenge it's 'authority'.
   Hopefully, this will be one hammer blow toward the eventual downfall and disintegration of a corrupt, violent, money grubbing Mafia-like organization.
   And no, you do not want to know how I really feel.
  'Nuff said

Thursday, July 19, 2018

They Had A Child?

   Saw this on a friends facebook page, and had to share here. Especially after my last blog entry (They Met Part 2). Some wit at Time Magazine got very creative, and superimposed (or morphed. Whatever you wanna call it) Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin together. Sort of a post summit meeting of the presidents.
   My buddy said something to the effect of if the 2 were ever to have a love-child, this is what it could look like. He went on to thank Time for giving the world Vladonald Trumputin"..
   Only question I have is which one is the others bitch?

   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

They Met: Part 2 ***EDITED***

   This time, U.S prez "The" Donald Trump had a face to face with Russia's Vlad Putin. I'm not a political commentator, nor was I a fly on the wall of the meeting. But it's been interesting to hear and read what American politicians and others think.
   A former head of the CIA says Trump was "treasonous" for accepting Vlad's 'assurances' that Russia did not meddle in the 2016 election. Despite what Trumpty Dumpty's OWN intelligence community has told him (even though Dapper Don says he asked his bestie Vlad personally).
   Reaction from the Democrats was as expected, but even members of Trump's own Republican party are stating to ask WTF is he doing? Not surprisingly, the critics include Senator John McCain, who isn't exactly warm to Trump. And "The Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger (who is REALLY not a Trump fan) also chimed in, calling the POTUS a "wet noodle"
   And even some of Don's inner circle said he shouldn't have even met Vlad. Did The Prez get played for a fool? I dunno, but I guess this image may be a lot closer to the truth than most of us (especially Trump) would like it to be.

   'Nuff said
   So, no sooner than I posted this, D.T came out saying he "misspoke" at the Helsinki summit, and has "confidence" in the U.S Intel agencies. He also went on to say he accepted their conclusion that Russia DID meddle in the election. Nice back-track Donny! So, if your Intel people ARE right afterall, will you do the honorable thing and resign? Oh, wait sorry. My bad. Trump has NEVER done an honorable fucking thing in his life!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

They Met

   Kim Jong Trump and Donald Un did their summit in Singapore this week. Now, we just have to find out exactly what the fuck went on. And if they actually achieved anything. If you want all the political ins and outs, you might wanna check your favourite news feed.
   What I got out of the meeting was a lot of platitudes back and forth between The Donald and his new bestie. There were, from what I've gleaned out of the nearly non-stop coverage, a few vague promises from both leaders. Kim says he'll shut his missile test site (probably 'cause he don't need it anymore), while Donny says he'll halt joint military war games with South Korea (because he says it'll save the U.S money).
   That's all well and good, as far as it goes. Both leaders put on their best smiley faces for the cameras, but I'd like to have been a fly on the wall when they were flying back to their respective capitals. THAT would be some interesting listening, to be sure, as each gave an unfiltered view of the other. With the adult language filter off.
   Still, such a meeting is progress, and Trump apparently invited Kim to the White House, while Kim apparently invited The Donald to Pyongyang. Hopefully, we'll actually see some détente from this meeting, instead of the 2 trading insults and threats.
   But the sceptic in me wonders who played who as the biggest fool?
   'Nuff said.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Better Ideas, Huh?

   Yup! The "Better Ideas" people have come up with a real fucking winner this time. You no doubt know Ford is cutting all car production (except the Mustang, and maybe 1 or 2 others) by 2020. They'll instead shine the spotlight on trucks, SUV's and CUV's, citing customer preferences. So, bye-bye Focus, Taurus, Fusion, Fiesta etc.
   Another reason cited was cheap gas. Bullshit! A litre in my neck of the woods is going for about $1.27, roughly 1 U.S greenback. That means (in my neck of the woods) 1 U.S gallon costs about $3.68, in U.S funds. Taking into account the U.S gallon is smaller that the imperial unit we use here, about 4.54 litres per gallon. Which translates into about $5.65 an imperial gallon.
   I dunno what fuel consumption is like on the newer trucks, SUV's and CUV's, but you can bet your bottom dollar it ain't anywhere near what I'm getting on my Japanese compact. 45 MPG (in imperial measurement).
   I also dunno what insurance costs on the bigger vehicles. Truth to tell, I dunno what mine runs at. I just put money into my expense account 2 times a month, and let things fly.
   Bottom line here is I think Ford is making one huge fucking mistake here. Sure, it's great when gas is (relatively) cheap, but here in Canada, people are already drilling holes into other people's gas tanks and draining them. Maybe (but I doubt it) Ford will come to their senses and rethink cutting almost all of their car production before it's too late.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Catching Up

   It's been a hectic few weeks, hence the lack of a post. So, yeah, we're doing a little catch-up on what's been happening the past couple weeks.
   Not the least of which is the on-off-on again summit between The Donald and Kim Jong-un. After a promising start, Kim got pissed at the U.S and South over their joint military drills, and scrapped a meeting with the South. Which prompted The Donald to call off his summit. Both sides are trying to work things out.
   Roseanne Barr did not have things work in her favour. After a racist tweet, her show was scrubbed by ABC execs, even though she did make a lame, and way too late, apology. Her first go-round on TV wasn't bad, I'll admit. But I was fuckin' well NOT going to watch the re-boot. And now, no one else will, either.
   Finally: Wedding Bells.
   For Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle last month. I did not stay up to watch the nuptials. That said, I did catch a few minutes before I had to leave on a 10 hour drive at 05:30 that Saturday morning, which was another reason I haven't been posting. I was away from my computer for the best part of a week.
   But, I'm back at it now!
   'Nuff said.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Thoughts 'n Prayers

   Yup! It's time to send them out again, after the latest school shooting in the good ol' U.S of A. This time, as many as 10 are dead after some asshole with a chip on his shoulder, toting a shotgun walked into a classroom at the high school in Santa Fe, Texas, and opened fire. 9 of the dead are students, and a teacher, were killed. As many as a dozen others were injured The (alleged) shooter, a 17 year old, was arrested. A 2nd "person of interest" was also taken into custody. Both are from the same school.
   If that's not bad enough, several explosive devices were found in the school and surrounding area. Bomb squad cops were working to render them safe. The "devices" were pipe and pressure cooker bombs. A motive isn't known.
   Sticking with the script for this, and other school shootings (Parkland Florida for one), POTUS Donald Trump issued the basic, time worn condolence statement:

"We grieve for the terrible loss of life and send our love and support to everyone affected by this absolutely horrific attack. We're with you in this tragic hour and we'll be with you forever."

   And you'd better keep the "Thoughts 'n Prayers" on standby, cause this sure as shit won't be the last school shooting that'll happen in the States.
   Nuff said.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Maybe I'm Just Skeptical

        North Korean ding-dong Kim Jong-un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) is to sit down at the talk table with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in for the first face to face between North and South in a decade in Panmunjom, the so-called "truce village" on the border of the 2 Koreas. Among the issues is the North's nuclear and missile programs.
   There's been a lot of détente between the adversaries since the Pyeongchang Olympics. Since then,  'Lil Kim has offered an olive branch or 2 to the South and allies, most notably the U.S. Kim says he's suspending all missile tests, and is closing the nuclear bomb test site. The South has suspended broadcasting propaganda at the North in return. U.S Prez "The Donald" will no doubt be keeping a close eye on the meeting this Friday. He's supposed to sit down with 'Lil Kim later on this spring for the first ever meeting of leaders of the 2 countries.
   Who knows? This week's meeting may even lead to a peace agreement on the peninsula. The Korea's are still technically at war, only inking an armistice back in the 1950's.
   And this is where my skepticism kicks in big time. The Donald wants verifiable proof of the North's denuclearization, which could be problematical to attain. Also, it's fine for 'Lil Kim to halt missile launches and shut the nuke test facility. But maybe it's because he's done all the testing he needs, and has started a full blown nuclear armament program. Maybe he's just a Hawk in Dove's clothing going into the meetings to try and drive a wedge between the South and the U.S. Maybe he's just buying time to build up his arsenal.
   Maybe I'm just a skeptical old fuck. Time will tell.
   'Nuff said

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Say What Frank?

   Seems pope Frankie 1 says hell does not exist. At least that's what he told an Italian newspaper recently. Frank went on to say the souls of sinners simply disappear after death, and are not subject to an eternity of punishment. Which kinda goes against the dogma of the catholic church. In fact, after the interview was published, other vatican officials declared the article wasn't a faithful transcription, and the meeting with the reporter in question was not a formal interview.
   There was no mention if the "hell" Frankie was talking about was spiritual or physical. If it was the later, which one was he talking about? Hell, Michigan is an unincorporated township. Hell, Cayman Islands is a volcanic rock island not many people would want to venture onto. My favourite is the one in Norway, a little east of Trondheim
   In fact, it has a rather interesting building
   "Gods Expedition" can be loosely translated to "goods handler". The town boasts just over 15 hundred 'souls', and yes, Hell does freeze over almost every winter.
   If Frankie IS right, and there is no hell, where am I supposed to tell people where they can go? 'Course, the idea of no eternal punishment in hell is probably welcome news to all the pedophile priests in the church.
   But it does leave one unanswered question: What the Hell IS the pope looking at, anyway?
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

This Has To Stop

   The most recent debate over gun control following the Parkland School massacre in Florida has now crossed the line. A few of my American facebook friends have taken to reposting images of the holocaust being used by the pro-gun lobby to make their point about gun control. Here's one image they used (I won't show the rest) followed by the post in question.

If you don't understand the importance of having the rights to own a gun, maybe you should take a look back on history. These images are from the HOLOCAUST .
This is what happens when you lose YOUR right to bear arms.
Soo, maybe this will help you better understand before history repeats itself and YOUR eye glasses, wedding rings or dental fillings will end up in a pile and YOU ARE escorted to the gas chamber.

   This is pure fucking bullshit. Deniers aside (and I know there are quite a few out there), the holocaust was a systematic genocide perpetrated mainly on Jews, but also communists, clergy, homosexuals, intellectuals and anyone else who seemed to disagree with Nazi party doctrine. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR PRECIOUS 2nd AMENDMENT AMERICA! No one is trying to take away your guns, or your right to bear arms (even though the amendment says as a militia). No one is going to round you up, steal your property, put you in a cattle car and send you to an extermination camp. All that's being suggested (and likely will never happen) is possibly some form of restriction on assault style weapons.
   If you think that's restrictive, come to Canada. If you want anything with a muzzle velocity over 495 fps, you need a license. Shit, Britain has even stricter gun control, yet they allow air rifles with a velocity of up to 660 fps to be bought without one.
   Getting back to my rant, gun advocates are also suggesting things banning all drivers because of those who get behind the wheel impaired, and a lot of other bullshit. It's been said "guns don't kill people, people kill people". In that case, lets just ban fucking. No fucking, no people. No people, no people killing people.
   I've said before, but I'll restate again, I am not a liberal. In fact, I would fully support the return of the death penalty in my country, along with an end to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, which only benefits youth criminals. Name the little bastards, sentence them to a lot more than a slap on the wrist. If it means hard time, so be it. Nor am I anti-gun. You don't want a firearm? Don't buy one. Simple as that.
   So, quite simply, STOP USING THE HOLOCAUST as fuel for your particular point of view. Rant (finally) over.
   'Nuff said

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

For A Change, NOT Donald Trump

   I've been bashing POTUS a lot on this forum, at times with good reason. I'm not liberal by a long shot, but The Donald is a doofus. But in all the Trump trashing, I've been ignoring the man who's the head of government in my own country. Until now.
   Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is, IMHO, a complete tool. He used to be the punch-line in numerous jokes 40 or so years ago when his dear old dad Pierre ran government. Now, he's become the joke. Take his recent trip to India:
   Where he seemed to have an outfit change for every occasion. None of them, apparently, was a suit suitable for a visiting head of government to wear. And the Indian government didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for him either. Their P.M wasn't on hand to meet J.T and family when they arrived. Nor was the deputy P.M. They sent a junior agriculture minister to do the deed. Kinda says a lot about how they feel, doesn't it?
   And it's not just on the international stage he's been an idiot. The King and Queen of Belgium are in Canada for a State visit. Did our dear P.M greet them? Fuck no. J.T was off touring steel and aluminum mills as he tries to show solidarity with that industry ahead of POTUS tariffs on both (which The Donald says Canada and Mexico will be exempted). No doubt looking for another selfie opportunity. Maybe he can get enough tin (aluminum) foil to make himself a nice helmet to keep reality further at bay.
   Hey Justin! How 'bout doing your job (even though you are not [thankfully] head of State) and welcome visiting royalty (for example). Or would that take away from an opportunity to schmooze?
   On the bright side, the next election is just over a year away. Hopefully we'll get rid of this guy.
   Rant over.
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

They're Out Of What?

   If you've been in the U.K or Ireland, or live there, you'll know there's been a key ingredient missing from the Colonel's secret recipe. Nope!, not one of the 11 different herbs and spices, but chicken. That's right! KFC, for a while at least, is just KF (Kinda Fucked), because there's a delivery snafu with the Chicken.
   I heard on my local radio station that some 900 restaurants had to be shuttered due to a lack of the key ingredient. Apparently, the U.K distributors got a new supply company or something, and they didn't..well..deliver. Rather than crying fowl, or saying the company involved clucked-up, KFC U.K did put a humorous spin on things, but asking: "Why did the chicken cross the road? Not to get to our restaurants".
   Frankly, I can't stomach Dirty Bird. Literally. Even one piece of the greasy shit gives ME the shits. Probably better off not eating the stuff to begin with. Which a lot of people in the U.K/Ireland would agree with. Even if the circumstance has been forced on them.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Here We Go...Again

   Yup. There's been (another) mass shooting in the States. This time, at least 17 people are dead after some low-life with a chip on his shoulder decided to take revenge at a Florida high school he was expelled from. For those of you keeping track, it's the 18th school shooting so far in 2018. Admittedly, not all were fatal.
   12 of the dead were killed in the school, the others outside. 2 died in hospital. The dead are a mix of students and adults. The 19 year old suspected shooter surrendered to police.
   IMHO, this happens far too often. And the main reason it does (sorry America) is easy access to guns. Although we don't know yet where the shooter got his. I'm not going to get in to the 2nd amendment fight on this platform, buy fucking seriously, isn't it time State and Federal legislators take a long, hard look at situation, and admit there's a gun problem down there? No, I'm not anti-gun. But with the amount of firearms people have (and NOT the vast majority of American's, either. I know that) and the seeming ease of access, incidents like this are on a spiral upward. 18 school shooting incidents since January 1st, and it's just February 14th? (Again, I freely admit not all the incidents resulted in injury or loss of life.) And that's just school incidents.
   America, it's time you pulled your fingers out, and take them off the trigger.

'Nuff said

Friday, January 12, 2018

Trump Hits A New High In Low

   Trumpty-Dumpty has done it again. He's managed to piss a whole bunch of people off. Last night at a briefing on immigration, he made disparaging remarks about Haiti, and several African nation. POTUS basically said they are "shithole countries, whose inhabitants are not desirable for U.S immigration". And not surprisingly, there's been a backlash, with officials from Haiti and other countries crying "foul".
   Now, I've never been to any country in Africa or to Haiti, so I don't know if they're "shitholes" or not. But I can tell you that in my own country, Canada, parts of the U.S, and most other countries, there are areas where the term more than applies.
   Shithead Trump has, of course, denied making the remark, only saying his language was "tough". Y'know what Donnie baby? It doesn't fucking matter. You are the supposed "leader of the free world" (thankfully NOT my country though), and as such, and especially when you're in a meeting with lawmakers on both sides of the house, more moderate language should prevail.
   So, who does D.T think would make desirable immigrants, rather than "shithole" countries? Norwegians. That's what Trump himself said. Norwegians, the ones the press talked to, say they're not interested. But thanks anyway.
   And to The Donald: It's time you grew the fuck up a bit, and keep your foul mouth, racist (some would say) vile comments to yourself. Your country, and the world, would be better off if you did.
   'Nuff said