Thursday, March 29, 2018

Say What Frank?

   Seems pope Frankie 1 says hell does not exist. At least that's what he told an Italian newspaper recently. Frank went on to say the souls of sinners simply disappear after death, and are not subject to an eternity of punishment. Which kinda goes against the dogma of the catholic church. In fact, after the interview was published, other vatican officials declared the article wasn't a faithful transcription, and the meeting with the reporter in question was not a formal interview.
   There was no mention if the "hell" Frankie was talking about was spiritual or physical. If it was the later, which one was he talking about? Hell, Michigan is an unincorporated township. Hell, Cayman Islands is a volcanic rock island not many people would want to venture onto. My favourite is the one in Norway, a little east of Trondheim
   In fact, it has a rather interesting building
   "Gods Expedition" can be loosely translated to "goods handler". The town boasts just over 15 hundred 'souls', and yes, Hell does freeze over almost every winter.
   If Frankie IS right, and there is no hell, where am I supposed to tell people where they can go? 'Course, the idea of no eternal punishment in hell is probably welcome news to all the pedophile priests in the church.
   But it does leave one unanswered question: What the Hell IS the pope looking at, anyway?
   'Nuff said

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