Monday, June 4, 2018

Better Ideas, Huh?

   Yup! The "Better Ideas" people have come up with a real fucking winner this time. You no doubt know Ford is cutting all car production (except the Mustang, and maybe 1 or 2 others) by 2020. They'll instead shine the spotlight on trucks, SUV's and CUV's, citing customer preferences. So, bye-bye Focus, Taurus, Fusion, Fiesta etc.
   Another reason cited was cheap gas. Bullshit! A litre in my neck of the woods is going for about $1.27, roughly 1 U.S greenback. That means (in my neck of the woods) 1 U.S gallon costs about $3.68, in U.S funds. Taking into account the U.S gallon is smaller that the imperial unit we use here, about 4.54 litres per gallon. Which translates into about $5.65 an imperial gallon.
   I dunno what fuel consumption is like on the newer trucks, SUV's and CUV's, but you can bet your bottom dollar it ain't anywhere near what I'm getting on my Japanese compact. 45 MPG (in imperial measurement).
   I also dunno what insurance costs on the bigger vehicles. Truth to tell, I dunno what mine runs at. I just put money into my expense account 2 times a month, and let things fly.
   Bottom line here is I think Ford is making one huge fucking mistake here. Sure, it's great when gas is (relatively) cheap, but here in Canada, people are already drilling holes into other people's gas tanks and draining them. Maybe (but I doubt it) Ford will come to their senses and rethink cutting almost all of their car production before it's too late.
   'Nuff said.

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