Tuesday, March 13, 2018

For A Change, NOT Donald Trump

   I've been bashing POTUS a lot on this forum, at times with good reason. I'm not liberal by a long shot, but The Donald is a doofus. But in all the Trump trashing, I've been ignoring the man who's the head of government in my own country. Until now.
   Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is, IMHO, a complete tool. He used to be the punch-line in numerous jokes 40 or so years ago when his dear old dad Pierre ran government. Now, he's become the joke. Take his recent trip to India:
   Where he seemed to have an outfit change for every occasion. None of them, apparently, was a suit suitable for a visiting head of government to wear. And the Indian government didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for him either. Their P.M wasn't on hand to meet J.T and family when they arrived. Nor was the deputy P.M. They sent a junior agriculture minister to do the deed. Kinda says a lot about how they feel, doesn't it?
   And it's not just on the international stage he's been an idiot. The King and Queen of Belgium are in Canada for a State visit. Did our dear P.M greet them? Fuck no. J.T was off touring steel and aluminum mills as he tries to show solidarity with that industry ahead of POTUS tariffs on both (which The Donald says Canada and Mexico will be exempted). No doubt looking for another selfie opportunity. Maybe he can get enough tin (aluminum) foil to make himself a nice helmet to keep reality further at bay.
   Hey Justin! How 'bout doing your job (even though you are not [thankfully] head of State) and welcome visiting royalty (for example). Or would that take away from an opportunity to schmooze?
   On the bright side, the next election is just over a year away. Hopefully we'll get rid of this guy.
   Rant over.
   'Nuff said

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