Monday, October 22, 2018


   I might be treading on thin ice over deep water here, but this is, to me at least, a little bit of a double standard, and possible reverse discrimination. And it's over this:
   A "straight" flag that was flying outside a small town in eastern Canada. For a day. Until people complained, and it was removed. The town on question says flying the flag (and the request to do so) met Charter of Rights and Freedom criteria. Much the same as the pride flag
   Does for the LGBTQ community. Those are flown in countless communities across Canada, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd like to see it removed. For the record: I'm not a member of the LGBTQ community, but I have no problem with them celebrating. And that's where the double-standard kicks in, because if the LGBTQ community can celebrate, why can't the straight community?
   The backlash to the straight flag was swift, with one person calling it a symbol of hate. Which I think goes way too far. Without getting into the politics or histrionics of how and why the Pride movement started, I understand their concerns.
   Moving further over that thin ice, it almost seems like the "straight" community is now being marginalized, although I admit not to the extent of the LGBT.
   So, I have a simple solution. Lets forget about who's fucking who with what, gay or straight, and concentrate on being human regardless of orientation.
   Rant over:
   'Nuff said

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