Wednesday, March 28, 2018

This Has To Stop

   The most recent debate over gun control following the Parkland School massacre in Florida has now crossed the line. A few of my American facebook friends have taken to reposting images of the holocaust being used by the pro-gun lobby to make their point about gun control. Here's one image they used (I won't show the rest) followed by the post in question.

If you don't understand the importance of having the rights to own a gun, maybe you should take a look back on history. These images are from the HOLOCAUST .
This is what happens when you lose YOUR right to bear arms.
Soo, maybe this will help you better understand before history repeats itself and YOUR eye glasses, wedding rings or dental fillings will end up in a pile and YOU ARE escorted to the gas chamber.

   This is pure fucking bullshit. Deniers aside (and I know there are quite a few out there), the holocaust was a systematic genocide perpetrated mainly on Jews, but also communists, clergy, homosexuals, intellectuals and anyone else who seemed to disagree with Nazi party doctrine. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR PRECIOUS 2nd AMENDMENT AMERICA! No one is trying to take away your guns, or your right to bear arms (even though the amendment says as a militia). No one is going to round you up, steal your property, put you in a cattle car and send you to an extermination camp. All that's being suggested (and likely will never happen) is possibly some form of restriction on assault style weapons.
   If you think that's restrictive, come to Canada. If you want anything with a muzzle velocity over 495 fps, you need a license. Shit, Britain has even stricter gun control, yet they allow air rifles with a velocity of up to 660 fps to be bought without one.
   Getting back to my rant, gun advocates are also suggesting things banning all drivers because of those who get behind the wheel impaired, and a lot of other bullshit. It's been said "guns don't kill people, people kill people". In that case, lets just ban fucking. No fucking, no people. No people, no people killing people.
   I've said before, but I'll restate again, I am not a liberal. In fact, I would fully support the return of the death penalty in my country, along with an end to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, which only benefits youth criminals. Name the little bastards, sentence them to a lot more than a slap on the wrist. If it means hard time, so be it. Nor am I anti-gun. You don't want a firearm? Don't buy one. Simple as that.
   So, quite simply, STOP USING THE HOLOCAUST as fuel for your particular point of view. Rant (finally) over.
   'Nuff said

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