Wednesday, February 21, 2018

They're Out Of What?

   If you've been in the U.K or Ireland, or live there, you'll know there's been a key ingredient missing from the Colonel's secret recipe. Nope!, not one of the 11 different herbs and spices, but chicken. That's right! KFC, for a while at least, is just KF (Kinda Fucked), because there's a delivery snafu with the Chicken.
   I heard on my local radio station that some 900 restaurants had to be shuttered due to a lack of the key ingredient. Apparently, the U.K distributors got a new supply company or something, and they didn't..well..deliver. Rather than crying fowl, or saying the company involved clucked-up, KFC U.K did put a humorous spin on things, but asking: "Why did the chicken cross the road? Not to get to our restaurants".
   Frankly, I can't stomach Dirty Bird. Literally. Even one piece of the greasy shit gives ME the shits. Probably better off not eating the stuff to begin with. Which a lot of people in the U.K/Ireland would agree with. Even if the circumstance has been forced on them.
   'Nuff said.

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