Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Only In America!

   That's Dennis Hof. Republican and brothel owner. He was also elected to the Nevada State Assembly in Tuesday's mid-term elections in the U.S. The 72 year old called himself the "Trump of Pahrump". Pahrump being a town west of Vegas, near the California border. And also the site of the "invasion" in the 'Mars Attacks' movie.
   Hof defeated a Democrat to win the seat, but there's a problem. A very large problem. Hof was buried Monday. He actually died October 16th at his Love Ranch brothel. Despite his no longer being with us, his campaign manager kept the ball rolling, urging folks to vote for Hof. Which they did. In enough numbers to secure that State Assembly seat. Apparently, the rules state people can elect someone posthumously, and the party will select his/her successor.
   I don't know, or really want to, if part of his campaign at his brothels included a "Hump for Hof" event, with the prospective electorate doing the "polling". All I do know is with various governments all fucking us over, it kinda made sense for a whorehouse operator to get erected...sorry...elected. At least at his businesses, you could actually see what was going to fuck you.
   'Nuff said.

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