Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Here We Go...Again

   Yup. There's been (another) mass shooting in the States. This time, at least 17 people are dead after some low-life with a chip on his shoulder decided to take revenge at a Florida high school he was expelled from. For those of you keeping track, it's the 18th school shooting so far in 2018. Admittedly, not all were fatal.
   12 of the dead were killed in the school, the others outside. 2 died in hospital. The dead are a mix of students and adults. The 19 year old suspected shooter surrendered to police.
   IMHO, this happens far too often. And the main reason it does (sorry America) is easy access to guns. Although we don't know yet where the shooter got his. I'm not going to get in to the 2nd amendment fight on this platform, buy fucking seriously, isn't it time State and Federal legislators take a long, hard look at situation, and admit there's a gun problem down there? No, I'm not anti-gun. But with the amount of firearms people have (and NOT the vast majority of American's, either. I know that) and the seeming ease of access, incidents like this are on a spiral upward. 18 school shooting incidents since January 1st, and it's just February 14th? (Again, I freely admit not all the incidents resulted in injury or loss of life.) And that's just school incidents.
   America, it's time you pulled your fingers out, and take them off the trigger.

'Nuff said

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