Friday, October 31, 2014

The P.C Police Have Gone Too Far

   Way too fucking far. Seems not a few schools in Canada have basically banned Halloween, and are now calling it "Orange and Black" day instead. And it's over fears they are not being "inclusive" enough.
   Fuck off.
   In fact, fuck as far off as you can get. They're worried about Halloween's supposed ties with the occult. Bullshit. "Halloween" is, in fact, a contraction of "All Hallows Evening" which precedes the christian holiday of All Hallows Day, celebrating saints and other stuff. Yeah, there are some pagan roots, but to link it to the occult.....bullshit.
   So now, kids across Canada can't celebrate a day almost as big as Christmas day is, because some namby pamby asshole decided (and probably bitched about it) that Halloween excludes people with different beliefs.
   Choke on my choad. As mentioned, Christmas has been stolen from kids for the same reason. Making it more "inclusive". And just like Christmas there will be no pageant, parade or other celebration in many schools today.
   Ya know what? If holidays like Halloween and Christmas "offend" you, keep your own fucking brat home and let other kids have some fun. And oh, yeah. YOU chose to come to this country. YOU should adapt somewhat to our system. You wanna worship your own god? So be it. You wanna keep your cultural ties strong? So be it. Just quit shoving YOUR values and beliefs down other people's throats and fucking it up for everyone else!
   Rant over.
   'Nuff said.

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