Thursday, October 30, 2014

Random Ratbag Ramblings

   And where better to start then with those damned Kardashian Klowns. Seems the P.C police have got their panties in a knot over the Kardashian Kids Kollection at Babies 'R Us. Seems some parents don't think having their age zero to 24 month girl dressing up in leatherette mini-skirts is a good idea. Maybe they've got a point on that. Here's a better one. Don't buy Kardashian trash!
   Speaking of Kartrashians (well, a Jenner actually), 17 year old Kylie is under fire for what appears to be a big botox booster to her lips. I've seen the pic, and I gotta admit she looks gross with the 'enhancement'. But then, she's 17. And what the hell do 17 year olds know, right?
   Moving on: The P.C police are also pissed at Victoria's Secret for their "perfect body" ads. So fucking what. They've got great bodies, and can flaunt them. It's advertising for fuck sakes, not real life. O-kay, some of the models look like they could stand to eat a few more meals, but so what? Victoria's Secret was never designed or intended for "real women" anyway. In fact, I wonder if the ads target men. Using sex to sell? Nah. Companies would never stoop that low (sarcasm button needed).
   Moving on: Who the fuck is Jian Ghomeshi, and why the fuck should we care? Apparently, he's a recently fired CBC hack who had his own radio show. What it was about, I don't know or care. I loath the CBC, and think the taxpayer funded network should be privatized. But I digress
   Seems Jian is suing CBC for 55 million dollars after getting the chop. But why? Did he say "fuck" on the air?. No. Has he been accused of slapping and choking women during sessions of alleged BDSM sex? Actually, yeah. At least 8 women have come forward suggesting they were choked and/or slapped without consent. If these allegations prove true, and if he's found guilty and convicted, Jian should be taken out and shot.
   'Nuff said

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