Saturday, October 11, 2014

Aw, 'Lil Kim Has A Boo-Boo

   Yup! Everyone's favorite tin-pot dictator Kim Jung Un, or as I call him Sum Dum Fuk, is on the limp. North Korea's leader ain't been seen for quite a while, and was noticeably M-I-A from an important event. Namely, the anniversary of the founding of his country by his Grand-dad. Seems someone else laid wreaths at the mausoleum of Gramps and dear old Dad instead.
   So, the big question is: What's taken Kim down? Some sources with 'knowledge' of the north say he pulled a tendon or ligament doing military exercises with his generals. And judging by the look of him, he needs it! He's turning into a little fat Fuk!
   Other reports say he was bitten by a dog. Maybe one of the ones he sicced on an uncle to have him killed. In fact, he's been so A-WOL that state media, which usually fawns over him, hasn't said jack-shit about him in a month. An absence that long in a communist country usually means the 'dear leader' has taken a permanent vacation. Something like the 9 mm kind. However, reports from the North continue saying Kim is the man in charge, but will need 100 days to recover. Either that, or he's already dead and the party in-fighting to pick a successor has started. If that's the case, we can expect to hear in a few months how 'lil Kim fought a brave fight, but succumbed to an unmentioned disease.
   In which case, we'll be rid of Sum Dum Fuk. Until the powers that be name another dumb fuck to take over.
   I just wonder if they use black and white smoke like they do at the vatican when they choose their new 'leader'? Habemus Dictator!
   'Nuff said.

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