Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Damn It, He's Getting Better

  It seems Sum Dum Fuk, er I mean Kim Jung Un, may be on the mend. At least according to State media reports. North Korea's whacky fat dictator hadn't been seen in 40 days, fuelling speculation he'd shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.
   But it seems all the talk of 'lil Kim popping off is just that. Talk. There are 2 new video's of him, walking with the aid of a cane. What wasn't said was when these videos were taken. There's no clue if it was September 3rd (the last day he was seen) or October 13th.
   Without him holding up something like today's edition of the New York Times, we can still live in hope that the little fat fuk has indeed snuffed it.
   Of course if that happens, the power vacuum created wouldn't last long. One of his siblings would fill the spot faster that a frog with a fart.
   Chances are, though, 'lil Kim is alive and kicking. Although right now, with just one leg.
   'Nuff said.

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