Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Sad Day In Ottawa

   It finally happened here. At least one gunman with a double-barrel shotgun opened fire in the nations Capital. It started at the War Memorial, where a soldier standing as an honour guard was brutally shot, and later died. Then, at least one gunman ran into Parliament, where he was shot dead by the Sergeant At Arms in the house. But not before at least 30 shots echoed through the corridors of power, and not before a security guard was also wounded.
   Police believe 3 shooters may have been involved in this attack, because (at the time of this writing) there were reports of gunfire outside Parliament, as well as inside.
   And (at the time of this writing) the guessing begins as to who was responsible. Naturally, the immediate finger of blame is pointing at Islamic extremists, given the fact that when Canada joined the air-war against ISIL terrorists in Iraq they promised attacks. That, and a man who became "radicalized" ran down 2 soldiers with a car, killing one, before being killed himself.
   And the irrational reactions have also started, with either racial or religious profiling already underway before we know who and why. Now, I'm not a fan of Islam, or any religion for that matter, but to paint absolutely everyone with the same brush, and call for mass deportations is unrealistic. It will be a popular call, but still unrealistic.
   So, what happens now? Well, cops will do their investigation and likely make some arrests. Security will be greatly stepped up not only in Ottawa, but provincial capitals and likely major government buildings as well. And life will go on.
   To the family of the slain soldiers, my deepest condolences. To those responsible for the attack: Fuck off and die, you cunts.
   'Nuff said.

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