Friday, October 24, 2014

Tragic News In Entertainment

   O-kay, maybe not. Cable network TLC has cancelled "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo". About fucking time! I've managed to escape the trailer trash show about the fat, ugly little brat who, apparently, was a contestant in another "reality" show, "Toddlers and Tiara's" (which lead to her and her family getting their own show). At least for the most part. But I've been subjected to enough seconds of it to develop a deep loathing of all things "Honey Boo-Boo".
   Why was this piece of shit cancelled? Low ratings? No. Was the "matriarch" of this junk, "Mama June", caught cavorting with a convicted child molester? Actually, yes. And her new "man" was convicted (according to gossip website TMZ) of molesting one of June's own daughters, who was all of 8 at the time. Nice guy, huh? He should've been taken out and shot.
   It seems June was seen "cuddling" with this guy in a picture taken about a month or so ago. Yeah, I know. I threw up a little in my mouth, too. The asshole in question was just sprung from prison after serving 10 years for the assault, details of which I will NOT document here, and Mama "picked up" with him. Apparently, he's a former ex of hers.
  At least the family won't starve, even though they all look like they could benefit from skipping a few months of meals and living of their lard. Seems Mama is adept at feeding the family on 80 bucks a week, through coupons, and the judicious harvesting of road-kill. At least with that, most of the animal had already been "grilled".
   But the sudden loss of income might make life tougher for them. They may have to move back into the single-wide from the double-wide.
   And as for that fat, disgusting, piggy little brat "Honey", her career may not be over yet. She could be the poster-child for making full-term abortions legal and readily available.
  'Nuff said.

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