Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Brilliant Idea!.....NOT

   That's Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz, and he's had what he thinks is a really good idea. He thinks jobless university graduates could beef up their resumes by working for free. Yup! Work for free. In a speech to a parliamentary committee, he went on to say young Canadians and others struggling to find work should acquire more experience through unpaid internships or volunteering until the country's hobbled job market picks up.
   And if that's not enough, he said jobless youth should get "some real-life experience even though you're discouraged, even if it's for free". That's gonna fan the flames of discontent among young people, for sure.
   Even a crusty old fuck like me has a problem with that. Not even prisoners work for "free" in this country, let alone a kid with a high educational debt looking to (hopefully) start paying it down. That's to say nothing about building self esteem. Now, all this comes as M.P's were starting to debate the thorny issue of unpaid internship some young people looking to get experience in their chosen field sometimes face. Something I feel, by the way, should not be allowed to happen. If you work, you should get paid. No matter if you're lazy, and love nothing more than hanging out if your parents basement playing World of Warcraft or Diablo.
   That said, there are unfortunately youth out there who would prefer doing just that. If and when they may or may not be protesting like those Occupy idiots did a few years back.
   And Stevie baby: Maybe you should give up your fat cat salary, benefits and perks and work for free instead of making idiotic pronouncements like that.
   'Nuff said.

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