Friday, September 20, 2013

Mon Dieu! No Honey Boo Boo? Bravo, France. Bravo!

   What's got me going hip-hip-hurrah is the fact the French government may be banning beauty pageants for children under 16. About time. It's gotten to the point now where "reality" shows like Toddlers and Tiara's have gotten to big. And it's really not about the kids, either. It's about their controlling parents who sometimes coerce their little treasure into these so-called pageants. Not that a few don't want to do it, but for the most part it's nothing but a meat-grinder, and these little girls are being turned into hamburger.
   These not only can, but probably do, hurt their self esteem, and leave them feeling guilty that they've let Mommy Dearest down when they lose. But then, the parents simply pack them away like a little China doll, and head to the next emotional slaughterhouse.
   In case you're wondering at this point whether or not I watch these "shows".....well, let me state categorically that I'd rather watch American Idol than these idiotic excuses for "entertainment". And I loath American Idol.
   Another problem I can see with these shows is simple. There's probably more than one sick fuck out there who gets his jollies from watching these girls on stage. People who should be tracked down, pulled from their mother's basements and summarily executed before they actually get a chance to harm a child.
   So, Bravo French government. I hope you pass the bill outlawing these shows.
   As for Honey Boo-Boo.....I guess you really CAN put lipstick on a pig.
   'Nuff said.

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