Saturday, September 21, 2013

What Smells Like Maple Syrup?

   That's the question New Yorkers have been asking recently, specifically Queens, Manhattan and even New Jersey, after smelling a smell they say is exactly like maple syrup. And it's not the first time, either. There was a similar incident in 2005, and again in 2009.
   As to the cause.....well, New York's mayor is blaming a company in New Jersey that makes fragrances and flavorings for food. The company isn't commenting. New Yorkers, however, have started getting overwhelming urges for pancakes and waffles.
   Some even say Canadians have been seen crossing the border in a zombie like state, muttering names of food items like French Toast!
   Sound like a new sci-fi/horror movie to me. Attack of the Killer Canadian Maple Syrup Zombies! They're not after bwaaaiiins this time, but they are after your waffles! Quick! Someone get me a fork, and a stack of flapjacks.
   'Nuff said.

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