Monday, September 2, 2013

What The Hell Is Going On In Syria?

   Seriously. What the hell IS going on in Syria? We know the Assad government has been accused of using chemical weapons on it's own people. And we know of alleged massacres by the same government. We also know of the rebels trying to unseat Bashar Al-Assad from power. That goes back to the "Arab Spring" of a couple of years ago when people got tired of their oppressive regimes and took to the streets demanding change.
   In some cases, including Syria, the government is fighting back. Assad doesn't want what happened to Muammar Gaddafi to happen to him. But the crackdown has now lead some nations, including the U.S, to ponder what to do with the government and Syria itself. There have been calls for military intervention. Either support for the rebels (which they're already getting) to an outright Iraq style invasion.
   The French are also pondering military action. A move Assad himself says would have "negative repercussions", without giving a for instance. He also challenged the U.S and France to show some proof of the attack.
   The wild-card in all this is, of course, Israel. What would happen if Syria decided to try and gain support from other Arab states by attacking Israel? And what would Israel do? They have the right to defend themselves against an attack from an aggressor nation, just as the U.S, France and Syria have. The difference in this case is neither the Israelis, French or American's have been accused by anyone of massacring or using WMD's on their own people.
   So, what does the future hold for Bashar and crew? I dunno, but if I was part of the Syrian government right now, I think I'd be looking for a nice quiet house in the capital of some friendly state. That's if they have any friends left.
   And once again, I have to hit the road for the rest of the week, but I'll be back!
   'Nuff said.

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