Friday, September 6, 2013

9-1-1. What Is Your Emergency. Part II

   A tale of terror from New York, where a woman was terrorized in her own home. Cops say the suspect literally crashed through the woman’s skylight, then started wrecking the joint. Damage is 5 thousand dollars. You can hear the fear in the woman’s voice as she tells 9-1-1 operators about the suspect literally flying around her house as she was cornered in her bedroom, afraid to come out.
   But before the cops could get there, the fowl suspect had fled the coop. I guess I should mention at this point the “suspect” was a bird. And not just any bird either.
   It was a wild turkey that broke into the home after apparently seeing it’s reflection in a window, and thinking it was another turkey. I wonder what it’s going to be doing this Thanksgiving? Maybe the guest of honor at a “roast”?
   'Nuff said.

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