Friday, September 13, 2013

I Hate Being A.F.K.

   In layman's terms, that's Away From Keyboard. But it's something I'm going to have to get used to. I now have to commute between job and home, until I find a place in my new city. But in the meantime, it means I'm AFK from Sunday to Friday.
   Why does this bother me so much? Simply put, it's occasions like this:
   This past Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on New York, Washington and the one that ended in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers of Flight 93 decided to take the plane down and spare who knows how many lives.
   I remember vividly watching the events unfold on that September day in 2001. I, like so many others, was glued to the TV watching with horror the whole morning unfold. I was almost late for work because I was in disbelief that something that terrible could happen. But of course, it did.
   And on this years anniversary, I got to thinking what other "9-11" moments there had been in my lifetime.
   For me, it was the Kennedy assassination, now almost 50 years ago. For others, it was the shuttle explosion in 1986. Then, there was the death of princess Diana. And the list goes on. It makes you wonder what the next generations "9-11" moment will be. Hopefully, something they'll want to remember. Something like the moon landing. Hopefully, a discovery which will end cancer. Something positive.
   'Nuff said.

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