Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bruno Mars? Who The Hell Is Bruno Mars?

   Seriously. Who the fuck IS Bruno Mars anyway? I Googled him, and supposedly he's some kind of singer or something. I did a you-tube search, and listened to one of his songs. All I can say is: Meh. Kid can sing not bad. Not my kind of music, but unlike Justin Beiber, he can actually sing. Which is a good thing, because he's apparently been tapped as the halftime performer at the next Superbowl.
   And I'm guessing he won't have a nasty surprise like Janet Jackson years ago with "nipplegate" or M.I.A flashing her fuck-finger. And I'm also guessing he won't have any shenanigans like Miley Cyrus at the recent VMA's.
   No one has yet confirmed his appearance, but if this is being "leaked" just as the NFL season starts, it's pretty much a shoe-in for him.
   And you've probably already guessed this, but I AM an old bastard, and my musical tastes run from the late '60's to about 1980. Classic rock. That said, I have bought a few albums in the intervening 33 years, but very, very few.
   Anyway, good luck Bruno!
   'Nuff said.

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