Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dude! That Ain't No Drone!

   In Egypt, officials were called by a citizen who thought he saw a big flying thing, supposedly spying on him. It was a small town 450 km outside Cairo. But it wasn't a U.S or Israeli drone. Nor was it even mechanical. So what was it that got our friend's dishdasha in a knot? A bird. That's right, a fucking migratory bird! It was one of 5 that landed near the man's house, but there was something different about this feathered friend. He had an electronic device attached to it. That's what got farmer Abdul in a tizzy.
   And the device was placed there on purpose too. By the French. As a tracking device. To observe the migratory pattern of said bird. The device was rendered inactive after it crossed the French border. And given the current state of things in Egypt, this isn't the first time a concerned citizen has contacted authorities about something suspicious.
   Earlier this year a security official captured a pigeon he thought was carrying microfilm. Then there was the time officials though Israel was behind a series of shark attacks along the Mediterranean coast!.
   As for the bird in hasn't been allowed to "fly the coop" just yet, and is being held in a cage. Just to be safe, I guess. I just wonder what the authorities will do to try and get it to "sing".
   'Nuff said.

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