Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ruin It For The Kids Why Don't You

   It was easter this past weekend, but for kids at one egg hunt, it wasn't a very happy one. Did someone forget the eggs? No. Did some asshole complain about it being a christian holiday? No. Did the easter bunny leave egg shaped shit instead of the real deal? No, no and no again. What ruined the hunt at a zoo in Seattle wasn't even the animals eating the eggs.
   What ruined it for the kids was some of their own mothers. It seems one bitch was pushing a kid away so her own spawn could grab the brightly colored egg. That's when the other trailer trash waded in with fists flying. In fact, other people at the event had to break up the cat fight 2 or 3 times! One of the moms ended up with a bloody nose. I guess it's just as well this was in Washington State. In some others, one of the moms might've capped the other. Happy easter, blam, blam.
   And since they've ruined the holiday not just for their kids, but others at the event, why not just come out and say Santa doesn't exist either. You've already traumatised the kids, why not just finish their childhood off? They're gonna find out sooner or later, anyway.
   And to the mothers involved: Great parenting skills! Shit, sarcasm doesn't translate well onto a computer screen.
   'Nuff said.

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