Saturday, April 6, 2013

Phone Phunnies

   Ah, yes. The devil cell phone is rearing it's ugly head yet again on both sides of the border. It seems cops in Canada's smallest province, Prince Edward Island, are sick and tired of people pocket dialing 9-1-1. It seems some 85 hundred of the 30 thousand 9-1-1 calls emergency services got last year were inadvertent, accidental ones. Pocket dialing if you prefer. So now the province is bringing in a law making it illegal. And they're slapping an up to 500 dollar fine for people who do. Folks with pre-programmed phones will be responsible for disabling the 9-1-1 feature. I've got a better idea. Get a carrier for you damn cell phone and it won't be a problem! I've been using a "holster" for years, and have never made a call I didn't want to. They may not be stylish, but it's better than getting a 500 buck fine.
   Moving on. In Alabama, a driver was caught texting behind the wheel.maybe not that unusual, but our hero was using 2 in each hand.....and driving with his knees! He apparently told the cops he'd been double texting for 4 years, since he was 15. And it gets better. 2 women and a toddler were in the backseat of the car at the time. And it gets even better! Seems the cops found 45 hundred bucks in cash and prescription Xanax in the car, and marijuana stashed in the ginch of a passenger in the front seat. And all this after they got pulled over for a traffic violation in a tunnel!
   Could the driver not simply ask someone  to complete his messages for him? Of course, if he had, I wouldn't have anything to blog about.
   Nuff said.

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