Monday, April 22, 2013

Would You Do This?

   Ahh, cinnamon. What a wonderful spice it is. You can use it for cinnamon toast, cinnamon sugar, and my personal favourite, cinnamon buns. Yum!
   But would you eat a tablespoon of it in 60 seconds? Without a glass of water to wash it down? It seems a lot of people would and do. It's called the cinnamon challenge, and it's causing quite an uproar in the medical community. The reason is simple, Cinnamon is the bark from a tree, and therefore contains fibres that, when ground into a powder, can cause serious harm. Not the least of which is the "burn" you get from it.
   In fact, it's to the point now where some American doctors are warning about teens, or anyone for that matter, taking part in the challenge. There have been quite a few cases of people going to poison control after trying to eat it. And there have also been cases where someones lungs have collapsed and they need a ventilator because of those little fibres being inhaled. And where do people get the stupid idea from? Well, it seems lots of participants have posted videos on a popular website, with one getting 29 MILLION views! And it's not so much the spice itself that's the problem. It's the cellulose added to it during manufacturing that doesn't break down. By itself, cellulose is pretty tame, but when that shit is coated in cinnamon oil and inhaled, it can be caustic, and could lead to scarring of the lungs.
   To answer my own question "Would I Do This", the answer is no.
   Although if you did take the challenge, I'm guessing your breath would smell nice.
   'Nuff said.

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