Thursday, April 25, 2013

Let The Train Wreck Continue!

   And for Justin Bieber, it sure does. His European tour has been, shall we say, less than stellar? Not only does he show up late for concerts, twice, and gets in a scuffle with a paparazzi, now one of his tour buses has been raided!
   Yup! It seems cops in Sweden smelled the odor of pot coming from one of the buses, came back and raided it. And (according to TMZ), they found what they believe was marijuana and a stun gun. Cops go on to say the bus was parked outside an arena in Stockholm where the little twit was "performing".
   Police did say no one was arrested or likely to be arrested, no charges were laid and the drug was found on the floor of the vehicle, so it can't be tied to any one person. To be fair, the bus did have 10 to 15 people on it before the raid, but this is just another black mark on the "Beeb", and if he wants to keep his fan base, he'd better smarten the fuck up. Which I seriously doubt he will.
   Speaking of black marks, it seems Justin's own grandfather has some harsh words for him, criticizing Beeb for not "sharing the wealth". Seems the elder Bieber has a back problem that has left him unable to work. His wife, apparently, does. In a factory to help hubby and her make ends meet. He does say his grand kid bought him a T.V, but there's been no financial support. Is he griping or gold-digging? Jury's out on that.
   Anyway Beebs, keep her going! Like the words in an AC/DC song "runaway train, running right off the track". Derail soon you punk.
   'Nuff said.

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